Fiona Character in Thedas | World Anvil
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Fiona is an elven mage from Orlais. Formerly a member of the Grey Wardens, she is now the Grand Enchanter of the Circle of Magi.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fiona grew up in an alienage in Orlais until her family died and she was orphaned. As a child of seven, she was bought as a slave by Count Dorian, who kept her as a "pet." She was sexually and physically abused by the Count. Eventually, she realized she had magical talents and used them to kill him, an act that nearly killed her the first time she used magic. Instead of leaving her to die or summoning the city guard, the Count's widow sent her to the Circle of Magi outside of Montsimmard. There, she was recruited into the Grey Wardens by Commander Genevieve after Fiona begged to be allowed to join.   Her initial relationship with King Maric Theirin was intense and uncomfortable, as her childhood experiences had left her distrustful of the nobility. After their party was imprisoned in the Fade in 9:10 Dragon, and after their eventual escape, the two became lovers.   In the Deep Roads, they encountered The Architect. Eventually, Fiona managed to escape, along with Duncan and Maric. Months later, following a recall to Weisshaupt Fortress to debrief the other Wardens about the Architect, Fiona traveled to Denerim with Duncan to meet with King Maric. Fiona explained that she was called to Weisshaupt to lead a search for the Architect, while Duncan was stationed in Ferelden as second-in-command. But the true reason for Fiona's journey had been to reveal to Maric that she had his child, and to exact a promise from Maric that their son would be told his mother was a human and had died, while Duncan promised to watch over him. It has been confirmed that this child is current King of Ferelden, Alistair Theirin.   By the time of 9:37 Dragon, Fiona had been removed from the Grey Warden order. According to Fiona, she was made to leave when it became clear she could not again undertake the Joining after she was cured of the taint by the Architect. The animosity toward her by fellow Wardens who felt she cheated death had also become too difficult to bear and she realized she could do more good in the Circle. She returned to the Circle, ascending to the role of First Enchanter of the Montsimmard Circle before being elected Grand Enchanter--effectively the leader of the Circle of Magi. Her reentry to the Circle of Magi was largely driven by a desire to free her brethren from the yoke of the Templar Order.

During a conclave in 9:37 Dragon, she called for a vote on whether to separate the Circle of Magi from the Chantry. Her move was thwarted by Wynne who successfully convinced the Circle to err on the side of caution. The templars responded to the attempt by disbanding the College of Enchanters.   Over a year later, a new Conclave was arranged at the behest of Divine Justinia V to investigate the Rite of Tranquility and possibly enable a peace between templars and mages. Fiona was present at the Conclave and took another opportunity to once again call for the Circle of Magi to separate. This time, actions undertaken by her Libertarian Fraternity ensured that tensions with the templars would be even more inflamed and as a result, Lord Seeker Lambert called the entire conclave to be in treason before the vote could be had. After a swift battle, Fiona was captured along with a number of fellow First Enchanters and other mages. They were freed and the mages gathered at Andoral's Reach. There, Fiona called yet another vote for separation and this time got the result she desired, thus officially beginning the Mage-Templar War. When the Divine managed to convince both mages and templars to convene for peace talks at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, Fiona sent intermediaries in her place, suspecting a trap. Lord Seeker Lucius did the same. After the explosion that created the Breach killed all the dignitaries of the Chantry's peace conclave, the Mage-Templar War resumed and rebel mages were once again subject to the templars' brutality. Fiona led her followers to Ferelden where King Alistair Theirin granted them refuge in Redcliffe.   The Inquisitor, Merai Lavellan, encountered Fiona in Val Royeaux at the Summer Bazaar, following the debacle involving the Chantry's denouncement of her title as the Herald of Andraste, and the templars' refusal to return to the Chantry. Fiona asked that the Inquisitor come to Redcliffe to discuss a possible alliance - she suspected the templars to be the cause of the explosion at the Conclave.   When the Inquisitor traveled to Redcliffe to meet with Fiona, she claimed to have not met them, hinting that the person they met was an imposter or more likely because of the time travel magic that's been observed outside of Redcliffe affecting her personal timeline. Though Fiona said she got a strange feeling at the mention of their supposed meeting, her present circumstances have changed. Fiona revealed that she feared her peoples' annihilation and had relinquished her role as Grand Enchanter after trading the rebel mages' services to the Tevinter Imperium in desperation. A magister named Gereon Alexius was the rebel mages' handler, as the rebel mages were considered indentured since they require ten years of service to be considered an Imperial citizen. To Fiona's dismay, Alexius revealed that he intended to change the terms of their agreement and conscript all of the rebel mages into military service under his command.   Fiona was present in the Castle Redcliffe throne room during the negotiation between Alexius and the Inquisition. In the resulting altercation, in which Merai Lavellan and Dorian Pavus were accidentally transported a year into the future. When they returned to the present and captured Alexius, King Alistair and Queen Anora arrived and ordered the rebel mages to leave Ferelden. The Inquisitor took the mages into the Inquisition as allies.   Fiona personally assisted in the battle at the Arbor Wilds,, leading a band of mages into battle against the Red Templar Order.   Following the defeat of The Elder One, Fiona reformed the College of Magi as a new order to instruct mages in the use of magic.


Family Ties

Fiona has been confirmed as the mother of King Maric Theirin's bastard, the current King of Ferelden, Alistair Theirin.


Maric Theirin


Towards Fiona




Towards Maric Theirin


Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Maric Theirin (Lover)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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