Templar Order Organization in Thedas | World Anvil
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Templar Order

The Templar Order is a military order of The Chantry that hunts apostates and maleficar and watches over the mages from the Circle of Magi. While templars are officially deemed a force of defenders by the Chantry, established to protect the communities of the faithful from magical threats, they are in fact an army unto themselves; well-equipped, highly disciplined and devoted to their duties.


  • Knight-Vigilant
  • Knight-Divine
  • Knight-Commander
  • Knight-Captain
  • Knight-Lieutenant
  • Knight-Corporal
  • Templar


Templars are the ideal foils for mages, having been trained specifically to counter and "deny" magic. This is done by a unique method of reinforcing the reality and immutability of the world. When a mage--or a demon--seeks to work magic, they tap into the Fade in order to reshape reality. A templar's ability "declares the world real" and closes off a mage's access to the Fade. Magical effects dissipate and the mage is unable to reshape a suddenly stubborn world. From a mage's perspective it appears to be less spell interruption and more a templar reinforcing a reality in which that spell cannot be cast in the first place. The Seekers of Truth share these powers, and some believe their abilities to be gifts from the Maker.   Templar abilities to dispel magic and inhibit spellcasting, as well as develop a considerable immunity to magic, come primarily through ingesting lyrium. Cole says that the bodies of the templars become incomplete and try to connect to something older and bigger than they are. They reach for that "other thing" and magic has no room to come in. The lyrium is prepared by philters- boxes containing tools that are used by templars to prepare the daily draught of lyrium which consequently allows the denial of magic. If Lyrium ingestion is stopped, Templars will eventually lose their abilities. Though their abilities are mostly used as a foil for mages and fade creatures, some of their talents can have practical uses for the mundane. Holy Smite for example, is an attack that causes magical Spirit damage. Abilities such as Silence and Lasting Cleanse can prevent even normal opponents from using their talents for a short time.   When a templar taps into their power, their sword visibly courses with a white power that disrupts mana. This power can also be channeled through their skin and used, for example, to activate plates housed in special dwarf-created doors within the Circle of Magi such as the entrance to the phylactery storeroom, which require the presence of both a templar and a mage working together to open them.   Even without their abilities, templars are among the best warriors in Thedas. Aside from combat training, they are also taught the Chant of Light, history, and how to improve their mental focus.


Most people don't remember the Templar Order as it once was. In the days when the Chantry was still young, templars were known as the Inquisition and combed the land in search of all dangers to humanity—whether they came in the form of blood mages, abominations, cultists or heretics. It was a dark and terrifying time in the history of Thedas, and one that only ended when the Chantry convinced the Inquisition to unite under the banner of their common faith. This agreement, the Nevarran Accord, was struck in 1:20 Divine. The Inquisition was then divided in two groups: the Seekers of Truth and the Templar Order, with the purpose of the Order becoming that of guardian and warden rather than hunter.   By the end 9:37 Dragon Age, the Kirkwall Chantry has been destroyed by magic and Grand Cleric Elthina killed. After the battle in Kirkwall and the deaths of First Enchanter Orsino and Knight-Commander Meredith, all of the Circles have begun to rebel.   The Seekers of Truth, under Lord Seeker Lambert­, also broke away from the Chantry along with the Knight Commanders. In 9:40, Lambert wrote a letter to the Divine nullifying the Nevarran Accord that originally established the Seekers as the Chantry's right hand. It is unknown exactly how this schism proceeded or whether there are divided factions with some members of the Seekers remaining loyal to the Divine. Some Templars however believe that the Order had forgotten its purpose and thus defected to either join the rebel mages, Grey Wardens or the Inquisition.   With the Mage-Templar War wreaking havoc across Thedas, Samson was able to rally some of the floundering Templar Order and was made their general. Samson had begun serving Corypheus and introduced his Red Templar Order to the Red Lyrium he supplied. Samson inspired his fellow Red Templars to master the red lyrium with the sole purpose of overthrowing the Chantry that cast them aside and to make the world a place free of the Chantry's oppression.   When the Inquisition addressed the Chantry in Val Royeaux, Lord Seeker Lucius arrived flanked by a contingent of Templars. Revered Mother Hevara assumed they were returning to the Chantry to put an end to the upstart Inquisition, only to be unceremoniously knocked to the ground on Lucius' order. Lucius declared Val Royeaux unworthy of the Order's protection and took his Templars to Therinfal Redoubt. The Knight-Vigilant, who unknown to most survived the conclave, was murdered by the Red templars to prevent him potentially interfering with their plans for the Templars billeted at Therinfal.   The Templars at Therinfal Redoubt were fully corrupted and turned into Red Templars and served as the main army of The Elder One in his conflict with the reformed Inquisition. The Templars at Hasmal requested the Inquisition's aid in relocating the loyalist mages at their circle to the Inquisition for fear of the local populace attacking them and later ally with the Inquisition in the conflict with Corypheus.   When Divine Victoria dissolved the Circle of Magi, the remaining Templars re-established their order with a new mandate to serve the people of Thedas independently.

Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him.

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

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