The White Spire Building / Landmark in Thedas | World Anvil
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The White Spire

Purpose / Function

The White Spire is a tower in Val Royeaux that is used by the local Circle of Magi and as a Templar Order stronghold.   The White Spire also houses the Knight-Vigilant, the leader of the Templar Order, who commands the templars from within.


Initially the tower served as the ruling fortress of Emperor Kordillus Drakon I, who founded The Chantry. His old throne room is used as the main entrance to the tower now. As a relic from that time, there are numerous dungeons with ancient torture chambers in the lowest levels of the tower. These levels are called "the Pit," and the dungeons lay at the center of the Pit, hundreds of cells on multiple levels. The Pit also houses many lost levels containing flooded chambers, an ancient templar mausoleum, old passageways, and forgotten relics.   The Veil is thin at the White Spire, which allows for greater communication with spirits.


The White Spire can be seen from anywhere in Val Royeaux, even during the night. The white tower is lit by magic, seen by some as looking like a sword thrust into the sky.   Phylacteries of all White Spire mages are kept within the tower in a locked chamber, as well as those of the First Enchanters of every Circle in Thedas. The phylactery chamber can only be opened by a mage, typically the First Enchanter, and a templar, working together to open the magic lock, to ensure security.   The middle levels of the tower are occupied by the mages, while the templars reside in the upper floors and have a view of the entire city from that height. The first few floors of the lower levels are kitchens and armories. Below that are ancient archives, some containing forbidden texts.


The White Spire magi are divided into various mage fraternities, the most vocal of which are the Libertarians, who seek freedom from Chantry oversight. The leader of the Libertarian fraternity resides at White Spire.   In 9:22 Dragon, a young female elf mage named Avexis was kidnapped from the tower. Avexis possesed the power to enthrall animals. She was taken by blood mages led by Frenic and Knight-Commander Martel, who intended to use her powers to control a high dragon. Frenic and Martel planned to kill the Divine and replace her with Grand Cleric Callista, who would in turn give Martel unlimited power. The conspiracy was stopped by the Seekers of Truth working with the mages of the White Spire.
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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