Phandalin Settlement in The Zesty Realms | World Anvil
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Phandalin is a village located northeast of Leilon, and southeast of Neverwinter where the road that runs from the High Road to Triboar faded into a trail. It was raided by orcs in 951 DR and subsequently abandoned. Since then it has been resettled and Phandalin has become a frontier settlement of farmers and prospectors looking for wealth in the Sword Mountains.  

Places of Interest

  Stonehill Inn A modest inn run by a short, friendly young human man named Toblen Stonehill.

Barthen's Provisions The biggest trading post in Phandalin, staying open from sunup to sundown. Run by a lean and balding, middle-aged man with a kindly manner, Elmar Barthen.

Lionshield Coster A weapons and armor supplier owned by the Lionshield Coster. The master of this post is a sharp-tongued woman named Linene Graywind.

Townmaster's Hall A small building that serves as the town's council building. It also houses a small, but serviceable jail in the cellar. It's run by the current townsmaster, Harbin Wester.

Tresendar Manor More of a castle than a manor, an ancient building that was abandoned after the orc raids of 951 DR. The cellars once served as a safe haven when the estate was attacked. It also served as a resting place for the deceased members of the Tresendar family. In 1491 DR the cellars were turned into the hideout of the Redbrands until Gundren's Goons cleared them out. At the end of spring 1491 DR Harbin Wester granted the adventuring party Gundren's Goons the deed to the ruined manor.

Shrine of Luck A small shrine made of stone from the ruins and Phandalin's only temple, dedicated to Tymora. Its care is in the hands of a zealous young elf, Sister Garaele.

The Sleeping Giant A rundown, dirty, watering hole. Operated by a surly female dwarf named Grista. It was known for being frequented by a bandit group, the Redbrands.

Phandalin Miner's Exchange A trading post where miners have their finds weighed and paid out. The townsmaster's records are kept here, with the responsibility of no local lord. The exchange is run by an ambitious and calculating human woman named Halia Thornton.

Edermath Orchard An orchard field with the simple cottage of a silver-haired half-elf named Daran Edermath.

Alderleaf Farm A simple farm that's run by a wise female halfling named Qelline Alderleaf.


Mainly humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, & halfings.


Phandalin has no functioning government, but the townsfolk annually elect a "townsmaster". The townsmaster serves as a judge and mediator, and also kept the records that needed to be kept

Guilds and Factions

Gundren's Goons - adventuring party who has made its home here.
Redbrands - a gang of bandits, lead by a former member of the Lords' Alliance Iarno Albrek, who preyed on the people of Phandalin. In the spring of 1491 DR Gundren's Goons defeated Iarno and his Redbrands.


Phandalin was originally a farming community. However, when the orcs of the realm of Uruth Ukrypt had destroyed all game in their realm, they went in search of food and turned on the human settlements in the area, raiding them. Phandalin was one of these settlements, and in 951 DR, it was overrun and then abandoned.   Sometime in the 1400s DR, settlers from Neverwinter and Waterdeep resettled the ruins of Phandalin, and it has become well-established by 1491 DR

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