Gundren Rockseeker Character in The Zesty Realms | World Anvil
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Gundren Rockseeker

Gundren Rockseeker

Gundren along with his two brothers rediscovered the Lost Mine of Phandelver - Wave Echo Cave, the legendary home of the Forge of Spells. Gundren went back to Neverwinter to gather supplies and gear, and hired some friends to deliver the supplies to Phandalin. In his excitement and he went on ahead with Lords' Alliance member Sildar Hallwinter, where they were ambushed and taken prisoner by goblins of the Cragmaw Tribe. He was taken to Cragmaw Castle. Luckily the friends he hired to deliver the supplies managed to rescue him from the castle a week later.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Curses quite a bit.


Family Ties

Current Location
Year of Birth
1308 DR 183 Years old
150 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Fukin Goblins
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven

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