The Kavodi Isles Geographic Location in The World Within Walls | World Anvil
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The Kavodi Isles

Home to the Kavod and the largest herd of whales on Aloran. This mysterious cluster of islands lie on the outer edge of the Uncharted Sea.


Most of the islands are covered with steep mountains, cliffs and thick jungles. Surrounding the archipelago is a large coral reef that is U shaped so there is only one safe way to enter. The water between the islands is incredibly deep and allows for dozens of whales to live comfortably alongside hundreds of other sea life

Fauna & Flora

Given the warm climate of the area, the Kavod isles are covered in rain forests and beaches. It is common for a day to start as clear and sunny and end in rain and vice versa.   The waters around the Kavod Isles are abundant in sea life like whale, shrimp, crab, and all sorts of fish. On the islands plenty of gorilla, boar, snakes, black panthers and other animals that might inhabit rainforests.

Natural Resources

The Kavod Isles are rich in:
  • Iron
  • Wood
  • Livestock
  • Fruit
  • Cocoa
  • Fish
Alternative Name(s)
The Whale Isles, The Isles
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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