Krystali Species in The World Within Walls | World Anvil
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The Krystali come from massive geodes that are found in mountains or underground on rare occasions. The Krystali will never attempt to break out of their geode intentionally so they are typically discovered by other races like dwarves and other races that dig deep into mountains or underground. Most geodes have some sort of luminescent crystals inside providing light for the Krystali as well as help from the Krystali Lumis. Most Krystali are partially transparent, with their chest and head being the most opaque and their hands and feet being the most transparent, and their color range is the same as natural crystals and gemstones. The majority of Krystali that come from the same geode will have the same color. Due to the crystals that make up their body, their voices sound synthetic and can sometimes have an echo.  

Growing Crystals

Despite their appearance, Krystali are actually an organic race. They are comprised of organic crystals that require air, sustenance, in the form of mineral-heavy items, and water just like any creature and are just as vulnerable to damage and disease as creatures comprised of flesh. New Krystali are created during a special process when two krystali take a few fresh crystals from their head, generally where the brainstem is located on humans, bind them together and then place them in a special pool of very mineral dense water and allowed to grow/gestate. This growth period takes a century to properly form a developed Krystali. Any disturbance before the century is over can cause serious defects or even death of the developing Krystali. As they age they continue to grow so it is easy to spot the elders in Clusters. Any diseases that they contract causes the crystals that make up their body to become cloudier than normal until they are completely opaque. If parts of their body are removed or when Krystali die the organic crystals that make up their body can quickly degrade until all that remains is a huge pile of dust which comes as a huge surprise to thieves and other criminals that mistake them for being made of precious gems.  

Perfect Recyclers

Dead Krystali can continue to grow if their body is placed in water with moderate levels of minerals before they can start to degrade. This is often a great source of crystal material that can be used for building or crafting things as the growth that occurs is mostly inorganic so they do not degrade like normal organic crystals. Because the Krystali never intentionally open their Geodes their societies have found ways to reuse all the crystals from dead Krystali. Whether they use it for tools or place their body in a bed of water so that one day a new building is grown. It is considered a great honor to be used for a building or a work of art once you die.  

Geode Society

Krystali societies are referred to as either Geodes or Clusters which are often used interchangeably. Their society is very community driven and is led by a council of elders. The majority of their culture revolves around art and its various forms. Many Krystali take up roles as artisans, musicians or even warriors as they view most forms of combat as a form of bodily and expressive art. The Sub-race known as Krystali Lumis are a kind of Krystali whose organic crystals are bioluminescent and can grow bright enough to light large areas. These beings are often revered and are placed in structures either built into the top of the geode or in the tallest structure so that their light can reach the greatest amount of area. Most never work a day in their life and are used to servants doing most their stuff. The day a Krystali Lumis is done forming there is typically a Geode wide celebration to usher in a new age of light. Due to their incredibly long lifespan they never felt the need to develop a writing system for their language but instead have an elder or two keep their history as well as works of art that might depict historical moments.  


Ability Score Increase +1 Str, +1 Con, -1 Dex
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft

Age Krystali reach physical maturity at 100 years and live to be roughly 500. They continue to grow as the get older so it is easier to distinguish their elders   Alignment Young Krystali tend to be drawn more towards being chaotic but as they age many tend to shift towards lawful   Size 4-8ft tall (they grow with age) and you weigh roughly 300-500 lbs.   Harmonizing the Krystali do not sleep but instead, they enter a period of meditation in which they are practically oblivious to everything and emit a low warbling sound. This state can last anywhere from 4-8 hours   Crystalline Form Given their nature, they sink in any body of water and cannot swim up. They can hold their breath for five times their Constitution modifier of minutes with a base of five minutes. Krystali can only wear armor that is custom made for them. Due to the makeup and structure of their bodies if there is a source of light near them the light is amplified so that it lights an extra 20ft further for both bright and dim light.   Crystal Resistance You have resistance to thunder damage


Krystali Lumis

As a Krystali Lumis you are accustomed to living lavish lifestyles and being revered throughout the Cluster.   Ability Score +1 Cha, -1Dex   Natural Glow You give off a moderate glow that provides bright light for 10ft and dim light for 5 ft.   Brilliant Flare You focus and cause your body’s natural glow to quickly become a huge flash of light in a 30 ft radius centered on you. Creatures caught in the flash must roll a Dexterity Saving throw and must roll against your Constitution. On a Failed save creatures are blinded for two rounds or 15 seconds. The effort of the blast causes you to lose your natural glow until you have a short or long rest.

Krystali Naturis

As a Krystali Naturis you compromise the majority of Krystali kind and are accustomed to working hard when necessary as well as giving back to the Geode when needed.   Ability Score +1 Str   Sonic Scream You can alter your voice to produce an ear spliting sound in a 20ft cone. All creatures that can hear within the cone must make Con saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 thunder damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 5th level, 4d6 at 10th level, 5d6 at 15th level, and 6d6 at 20th level.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Krystalen and one other language of your choice . There is no written form Krystalen. The language is as synthetic sounding as their voice and sometimes uses sounds that most races cannot replicate.


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