The Kingdom of Báishān Organization in The World's Edge | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Báishān

Imports: Ore, Grain, Herbs, Luxury Goods
Exports: High Grade Products of All Types   Beyond the Lugong and Tiangong kingdoms lies old Baishan. An old and prosperous kingdom on the verge of becoming an empire it is larger than all three of the rim kingdoms combined and covers a vast expanse of territory. Indeed tradition has it that it used to be an empire until the Imperial family died out and to this day it is nominally ruled by a regent holding the government only until a rightful heir to the imperial lineage can can be found.   That of course has never happened. Overseer Xiang Shufen’s family has been regent three out of the past seven times since the Imperial’s family died. They are a strong noble clan whose roots run very deep, but not quite deep enough to overrule all the other noble clans and claim the throne in truth. As such while mostly stable on the surface the kingdom suffers from significant political scheming.   There are actually several other monarchs in the kingdom besides the Overseer. All of whom have several grandmasters under them. The only thing that keeps the whole area from breaking up into separate kingdoms is the promise of near instant empire if any of them happen to break through to Imperial and claim they are the "heir". That and the fact that the threat of their combined retaliation keeps all of Baishan’s neighbors from encroaching on their land.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
White Hills
Economic System
Mixed economy


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