The Faith of the Seven in The World of Yanu | World Anvil

The Faith of the Seven

The Heptagon

There are Seven gods in the world, They are all connected to each other, and revolve around each other. There are two parent gods, they represent the beginning, and are the most powerful, and they rule the heavens with their five children.  


He is the god of creation, he is the father of all, he is the gentle but stern overlord of the world. In his wisdom, he demands discipline and respect from his children, as well as hard work and dedicated effort. He gave people life, he gave them a place to live in, and he gave them the will to thrive and the imagination to construct.  


She is the goddess of mortality, of life and death, she is Amano's wife and lover, and together they created the universe and all its inhabitants. She is unpredictable and temperament full, much less patient and understanding than her divine husband. She is cold and harsh at times, but warm and seductive at others, she embodies all of the good things in life, and all of its hardships. She is the one who gave people the ability to die, in order to spare them from having to endure lifes hardships for eternity.   The other five gods are the children of Amano and Shelis, who birthed them at the start of the world, when the universe was still a new project of theirs.  


He is the eldest of these child gods, and he takes after his father. He is the god of commerce and labour. He is the patron of the hard-working, and of the skilled creator, he watches over the businessman who uses intellect to become successful, he brings fortune to the humble merchant, who travels great distances to find buyers for his wares.  


She is the second of the child gods, the goddess of love and beauty, she blesses the lover, who innocently seeks happiness with their one and only, she blesses the maiden, he does her hair to appear in greater beauty, she watches over the happy child, who simply seeks to enjoy life, without the burdens of adult struggles. Her power is that of love and happiness, of peace and serenity, to comfort each other, to be dedicated to your loved ones.  


He is the third child god, the god of the elements. The quiet child, the responsible one, the one who makes the sun shine, who makes the rivers flow, who makes the rain fertilize the crops. His gift is the bringing of the basic elements that make up life, water, air, the earth, and the fire that warms our hearths.  


He is the fourth child god, the god of war and power. He gives strength to the warrior, determination to the wavering knight, who faces death, courage to the poor farmer defending his crops. His gift is that of power, of strength, he guides people who face conflict, he gives them the best fighting chance in a cruel world.  


She is the Youngest of the child gods. She is the goddess of the plants and animals, she is known for her love for all that grows and lives. She cares for all that lacks the sentience to pray, and of all the child gods, she played the biggest part in the creation of the world, having created many of the plants and animals, being especially responsible for their design, and place in the world.  


The faith of the seven is originally an elven religion, but is now also followed by some human factions, it is especially popular amongst the humans around the yavinian plain.


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