The Explorer's Guild Organization in The World of Saga | World Anvil

The Explorer's Guild

There is a certain organization, which does not confine itself to borders or align with kingdoms or governments, whose members are sworn to secrecy. Their mission? To travel to the blank spaces on the maps and fill them with ink. To unveil secrets, to find lost treasures. To identify that which defies definition and to explore the unknown. For those who manage to find their way to any of the identical entrances to the Guild's halls, that is the draw. Those who dream of mist veiled shores and gleaming gold are likely to find their way into the ranks of the Explorer's Guild, but those goals are merely the tip of the iceberg.   There are things that hide in the margins of the maps that are only spoken of in whispers. There are secrets that are meant to stay buried. Any explorer worth their salt will tell you all that hokum is for tourists but the members of the Guild know the truth. Monsters and curses are real. The relentless march of civilization has pushed them to the shadowy places of the world, but they are still there. Some Guild members have dedicated their lives to convincing the public of the existence of cryptids, hauntings, or curses, others actively work to keep them a secret. But each member of the Guild must personally come to terms with the realities they face in the far-flung and forgotten corners of the world.   So if you possess that singular spirit that drives you towards the unknown, know that you are not alone. Look for the door. Look for the lantern. Welcome to the Explorer's Guild.  


Services which are afforded to members at no charge:
  • Lodging within guild premises
  • Daily meals provided in the dining hall (exceptions and specials must be made in advance)
  • Guild Bank - Can be accessed at any guildhall in the world, provided you have your signet and personal seal. Withdrawals are limited to 1000 gold per day. No limit on deposits. Items stored in safe deposit boxes, naturally, can only be accessed at the location in which they were stored. Transfers can be requested, allow up to two months.
  • Simple transportation within a Hall's home city.
  • Services which are discounted to members:
  • Common ammunition can be loaded at a discount, but no discount is offered for uncommon or unique rounds.
  • Rations for expeditions
  • Common tools such as rope, shovels, picks, lanterns, oil, and wading boots
  • Out of city transportation may sometimes be discounted when provided by other guild members. Ask for your local Transporter.
  • Falsified identification documents for the purposes of evading bureaucracy and trade laws can be obtained for a fee.
  • All other services are provided by specialists, prices at their discretion.
    Guild, Adventuring

    Notable Members of the Budapest Hall

    Aloise VannBuron: Trophy hunter and explorer. The blustery sort who seems to go on many adventures yet never seems to leave the Guild Hall. Mostly good-natured, he always has advice for the younger explorers- most of which is common knowledge but still good advice- it is widely assumed by most members that his stories are just wind. Some of the older members, however, are not of this same opinion. Still, most younger members treat him as a deterring yet kind-hearted fool.   Walter Morgan: Cartographer and navigator. A rather portly man, he has dreams of being the one to finally discover El Dorado. His cowardice and general lack of any skill other than the reading and making of maps has made that goal rather difficult to reach. He is certainly one of the best cartographers alive but is widely considered a liability on dangerous expeditions.   Mira Sai: Transporter and pilot. Tiny, loud, and crude, Mira has on more than one occasion made old sailors blush and drank old pros under the table. She is the best dirigible operator in the world, despite having only one arm. A natural tinkerer, her flying machine can go places it really has no right to go, and her prosthetic arm is rumored to have everything from tools to a flame-spitting gun in it.   Ellenore Arundell: Governess of Newfoundland and treasure hunter. The very picture of proper Victorian aristocracy but for that pesky wild streak. She will flirt, cheat, scheme, and according to some, murder her way in pursuit of that treasure of treasures; the Holy Grail. When asked why she wants it so badly, she simply laughs and says it is the ultimate treasure and she only wants the best. Most people believe that answer is a load of manure.   Alfi and Alexi: Biologist and botanist respectively. Twin brothers from Greece, they are the gentle giants of the Guild Hall. They mostly keep to themselves, absorbed in their experiments and studies. Their natural size and strength, however, has been their curse as they are often requested on dangerous missions. Despite never really wanting to go, they usually agree, not wanting to feel responsible if they refuse and someone gets hurt. They often speak to each other in a language no one seems to know.   William MacLeod: Trophy and treasure hunter. One of the most famous members, he is widely renowned both in and outside of the Guild. He has published several books on his discoveries, which are numerous, though he of course keeps the involvement of the Guild out of them. Many a young explorer has found the Guild because of their admiration for MacLeod, only to discover their idol is a member himself. This means he is often surrounded by young, dewy-eyed adventurers who hang on his every word. He seems to indulge his fans but is never boastful. However, there have been MacLeod expeditions that ended in tragedy where William was the only one to return. Such things happen, but a few members speak darkly about conspiracy and skulduggery afoot in MacLeod's expeditions. Others dismiss these rumors as jealous nonsense.


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