Loggy Lumpday Tradition / Ritual in The World of Popkin | World Anvil

Loggy Lumpday


Scared, alone, lost in a strangely familiar forest glade, and instinctively drawing on magic he'd never known was part of him, the Veran boy reached out for a friend – in the lumpy, slimy log that had sheltered him for a time. And the friend was there, he knew it to be so. The boy just needed to show him how to be, well, a friend! Instead of a log. So the boy shaped the log – which was now clay – into a friendlier form: two legs, two arms, head, some rough approximations of facial features. He told the clay figure, "Okay, now you'll know what to do, you're my friend and friends stick together and protect each other and stuff!" The clay figure, which stood more than 8 feet tall, loomed over the boy and nodded its massive, misshapen head. "You need a name," the boy told it. "Your name is... Loggy Lumpkin!"
  This story tells of how Jamborin Frilfrinas Bluekeeper, after finding himself in Arvandor but before he was a god among the Seldarine, performed his first act of divine creation: creating a friend to keep himself company. JamJam would go on to improve his craftsmanship in successive attempts, creating for himself companions that could actually speak and that were actual flesh-and-blood people. But he always loved Loggy Lumpkin as his first friend, and never forgot the gratitude he felt at not being alone.   Loggy Lumpday is the holiday where followers of the Eilonna demonstrate their continued gratitude and respect for that big clay friend.

Components and tools

All you really need is a lump of clay, but those with the magical aptitude usually opt to transmute the clay from a piece of old wood.


Most participants are worshippers of Jamborin Frilfrinas Bluekeeper, the Eilonna, the patron deity of the Verans. Participation is open to all who wish to take part, however. A cleric of The Holy Boy typically leads followers in the sculpting of the clay figurines, and helps animate the figures of any who wish for assistance.


Observed on the 11th of Tanaris.
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