Human in The World of Othlorias | World Anvil
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In the reckonings of most tales, humans are among the youngest of the common races, late to arrive on the world scene and short-lived in comparison to dwarves, elves, dragons and others. Perhaps it is because of their shorter lives that they strive to achieve as much as they can in the years they are given. Or maybe they feel they have something to prove to the elder races, and that’s why they build their mighty empires on the foundation of conquest and trade. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds.

A Broad Spectrum

With their penchant for migration and conquest, humans are more physically diverse than other common races. An individual can stand from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. Human skin shades range from nearly black to very pale, and hair colors from black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick. A lot of humans have a dash of nonhuman blood, revealing hints of Elf, Orc, or other lineages. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and rarely live even a single century.

Variety in All Things

Humans are among the most adaptable and ambitious people among the common races. They have widely varying tastes, morals, and customs in the many different lands where they have settled. When they settle, though, they stay: they build cities to last for the ages, and great kingdoms that can persist for long centuries. An individual human might have a relatively short life span, but a human nation or culture preserves traditions with origins far beyond the reach of any single human’s memory. They live fully in the present—making them well suited to the adventuring life—but also plan for the future, striving to leave a lasting legacy. Individually and as a group, humans are adaptable opportunists, and they stay alert to changing political and social dynamics.

Exemplars of Ambition

Humans who seek adventure are the most daring and ambitious members of a daring and ambitious race. They seek to earn glory in the eyes of their fellows by amassing power, wealth, and fame. More than other people, humans champion causes rather than territories or groups. This ambition for glory and power can be seen in organizations like the Ashford Trading Company, or the various Adventuring Guilds.

Chequered History

But in that passion, and drive of ambition lies a troubled history. Humans, sensing their destiny at hand, have at times been the friends of elder races, but just as often their enemy if the situation suited it. Their empire building often has little regard for the history of others. They have torn down Elven cities, sacked Dwarven holds, destroyed Giant mountain fortresses, and burned elven forests; all in the name of Empire building towards a world they feel is theirs. They have also been great friends, saving dwarven holds from rampaging Orcs, giving shelter and citizenship to Gnome, Halflings and Dragonborn, and more.   Elves and Humans have a particularly troublesome past. If legends are correct, the elves taught humans magic as a reward for their assistance in some war during the annals of myth. But during the early days of the Epoch of Man, the elves also often stood in the way of human domination, as they themselves sought to re-build their lost kingdoms, and many conflicts were fought. Today, the relationship stands in a weird place. One on end of the spectrum, across human lands many elves are still treated as slaves and vagabonds; and on the other side, full blood high elves or wood elves from their hidden kingdoms are treated with a mixture of awe, fear, and respect for the power they still wield. The treatment an elf receives may come down to something as simple as the clothes they wear, quality of their armour, or the dirt on their face.

Living Everywhere

Humans are by far now the most numerous and widespread of any race. They can be found in very high numbers across all of Eastern Tyrean , and the entire northern half of Esseas; and likely beyond. They can be found in many large kingdoms:   The Ondari Dominion   Kingdom of Tiriande   Grand Duchies of Arnoc   Cindarian Dukedoms   The Charnault Kingdom   Meridian Concord   Principality of Denerim   Lightforged Realm of Morencia   The Free Marches of Kargenras - for human stats


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