Goblin Species in The World of Othlorias | World Anvil
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Goblins occupy an uneasy place in a dangerous world, and they react by lashing out at any creatures they believe they can bully. Cunning in battle and cruel in victory, goblins are fawning and servile in defeat, just as in their own society lower castes must scrape before those of greater status and as goblin tribes bow before other goblinoids. Goblins are sneaky, clever, cruel, self-serving and greedy. But they are also resourceful, eccentric, witty, and often brilliant, if recklesss; tinkerers.

Goblins Everywhere

They are also one of the most widespread races around the world second only to Humans. You can find goblins pretty much anywhere, for the most part inhabiting the darker corners of the overworld, and many corners of The Underdark. Goblins, much like humans carry wildly in disposition, with tribes ranging from bloodthirsty lunatics, to mild mannered and open. Goblins are... tolerated, in the more cosmopolitan lands of men as long as they keep to themselves, and steer very clear of the more well-to-do neighborhoods. Racism and violence towards goblins is also rampant. Treated mostly with a mixture of suspicion and disdain, Goblins in the human lands will avoid the populous areas or times of days, hide their appearance, or be found in the company of the seedier elements of society.


But, Goblins find a way to survive. Particularly in the underbelly of the civilized world. They are notorious for smuggling, thieving, and running massive criminal enterprises. A number of trade princes rule over the various goblin holdings around the world such as the Bilgewater Cartel. A number of which operate from places such as Boomderry, the Free Colonies, Meridian Concord, or the Grand Duchies of Aranoc. They each control their own private armies and trade fleets, as well as trade cartels, mining groups, deforestation operations, slave rings, and poachers. Goblins are also notorious tinkerers, much like gnomes; but more prone to wild experiments with little thought to safety.   There are also notable examples of Goblins we appear more civilized and cultured than many of their species. Those particularly include goblins raised near the Orcish settlements of Spurwin Gar and Sundabar, and those of Boomderry and the Goblin port of Bilgewater in the Free Colonies. Notable goblins within the civilized world include the brothers Grulgu and Voda, who work as archivists in the Grand Library of Korrenberg, and Engineer Fizz Moonspite who invents on behalf of the Ondari Imperial Army. But the Underdark is their primary home. Goblins can be found extensively throughout the caves, mines, and dark places underground. There, they rule over warring demi-kingdoms, constantly engaging with each other and the dwarves for limited resources the Underdark offers.   https://www.dndbeyond.com/races/goblin - for more information and stats


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