Velan Species in The World of Othe | World Anvil
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The Neriv were the first-born mortals, but the Velan were created second. Designed as servants and helpers, the Old Gods fashioned the Velan to serve as emissaries of their will and subordinates to the Neriv.   However, while the Neriv were plausibly immortal, barring mishap, the Velan felt the need to fight and struggle for survival. They multiplied, building the predecessors of modern civilization; towering spires and citadels crafted with magic and determination.   Strong willed, spirited, and incredibly intelligent, they were able to wrest the world away from the Neriv–and the Old Gods. Their voices carried like songs in the wind, and could be heard everywhere across the world.   But the gods were displeased. The Neriv grew and adapted, the Velan stayed the same. The Sin Flood, as it was called by the Velans who survived it, wiped out most of their race, with only those who kept the ways of the Old Gods and served the Nerivs surviving.   Their hubris put in check, they are now known mostly for their disreputable legacy (something which would be rude to bring up in mixed company–the Halori Empire treats Velans as equal to other favored mortal races) and their beautiful voices, which have an enchanting, soothing quality.

Basic Information


Tall, graceful, and slender, Velans have a pale and icy look to them. Their forms are angular and their movements tend to come in rapid bursts of action, a consequence of a metabolism that struggles to fully support their extremities.


Energetic Outburst (2)

By suffering 2 damage to Stamina (this damage cannot roll over to Wounds) and using a Reaction, a Velan may make an extra melee attack. This must be made against a target that they are normally able to target with a melee attack. Weapon qualities that would allow extra attacks cannot be applied to this attack.  

Songbird (1)

The agility and grace of Velans is legendary; you gain a +10 bonus to all attempts to maneuver around an environment with grace and agility (such as stealth, acrobatics, and climbing). If you ever fall from a height, you may make a Grace+Specialization roll to avoid all damage.  

The Voice (2)

Velans have the ability to project their voices and mimic sounds, and those with the gift of the Voice are able to go a step further. They are able to impersonate any speaker they have ever heard with a +10 bonus (+20 for speakers they are very familiar with), and gain a +5 to all social interactions involving their voice.

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