Ring World in The World of Myst | World Anvil

Ring World

Welcome to Ring World

This is the world of Myst, it is a vast ocean with a few diverse landmasses, each with its own biomes and environment. The most notable of these is the isle of Myst, which is named such because it is the origin of the phenomenon called the Myst, a magical fog that is rained down on the world around the island. On the edges of the ocean is a narrow landmass called the Fringe, on the outer side, there are steep cliffs that plummet into the abyss. Life inside the ring is hard, there are many strange beasts that make both land and sea a dangerous place, which is why most people live on the fringe. The climate here is much less friendly, and the land much less arible than the inner landmasses, but the beasts do not venture this far from the Myst.


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