High Elves Ethnicity in The World of Many Names | World Anvil
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High Elves

The Elves of Old

High Elves are an ethnicity of elves. They are the ones who refused to leave their homeland after the Archaian Empire fell, and instead divided the lands amongst themselves.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Anastasia; Argeia; Therisa

Masculine names

Agathocles; Echekrates; Oreias

Unisex names

Diphilos; Polyxeinus; Timarkhos

Family names

Briseo; Palaechtho; Philocypro


Major language groups and dialects

The High Elves speak the languages of the Archaid Language Group, a group of languages including Agorean, Archaian, Dionysian, Hestian, and High Teleucian. This is unlike the Wood Elves, who speak evolved forms of this language.

Average technological level

The High Elves have attained a similar technological progress to Humans, though they have become quite stagnant over the past few centuries. It appears as if, without the need to innovate, the elves fall into a banal state of inactivity.

Common Dress code

High Elves, now and in antiquity, wore a piece of clothing called a toga. To start off, they take a large sheet, then fold it in half. Then, the sheet is draped over the shoulder. The fabric is then pulled from beneath the other shoulder, and past the waist. Then, wrap the sheet around the body as many times as necessary. To keep the toga in place, a clip is used. Most of the time, they are brown, but they are died for the aristocracy. They are made out of silk from silkworms harvested around the continent.

Art & Architecture

High Elven art is mostly mosaics and murals depicting actual events or objects. Rarely do they stray into the realm of the imaginary.

Common Myths and Legends

The most famous High Elf myth is the Dionys Myth of Deucal and Pyrr, which involves to immortals, Deucal and Pyrr, who are in love, but are separated by a sea. To reunite, they must create the Pebbles.

Historical figures

Major high elf historical figures include all the emperors of the Archaian Empire. However, there is some debate as to whether or not the idea of a, "High Elf" even existed then, so should these people be classified as them?

Major organizations

The High Elves are most associated with the nations of old; these include the Agorean and Archaian Empires, the Grand Duchy of Dionys, and the Hestian Freehold.
Related Organizations
Languages spoken

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