The Siniael-Thín Tradition / Ritual in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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The Siniael-Thín

The Siniael-Thín, or in the common tongue The Turn of Year, is the celebration of a new year for the religions such as The Way of The Ancient One and The Church of Orus that follow The Ancient One or his children. All across the lands of Oslias and Orus, excitement and celebration break out among the nobles and common-folk of the realms. Worshippers give thanks to The Ancient One for guiding them to a new year and pray for the new year to come. Some of the largest celebrations occur in Oslias' capital, Arandõr, and the large port city South Warren. Traditional festivities during Oslias' Siniael-Thín include a grand festival that brings merchants, Lords and peasants alike into the settlements of Oslias to view tournaments of might and smithing in The Duhdohrlands or competitions of archery and intellect The Glynwarin Wood but the greatest celebration occurs in Arandõr. The celebration in Arandõr lasts for one fortnight. During that time, many tournaments, competitions, parties, feasts and weddings occur. The Royal Tournament of The Siniael-Thín is the largest of all of these attractions. Starting on the fifth day of the celebration, The Royal Tournament occurs in Tamnaeth's Coliseum, named after King Tamnaeth Arasatra, is a combination of melees, archery competitions, jousts and other displays of might, skill or whit the King of Oslias wishes to see that year. Great feasts often occur throughout the celebration but grow longer and crazier as the festival progresses.


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