Muzzogh Mog Settlement in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Muzzogh Mog

Muzzogh Mog, formerly a dark and dingy city, is the Capital of Shezag-zoz ruled by The Lords of Muzzogh Mog. The most powerful of these Lords is Lord Kordrul of House MacDrolzek. Since the region has no true ruler, Lord Kordrul acts as the Lord Protectorate in court with the King Conon II Tuly, King of Oslias. The city lies at the base of Hogzurd Peak on the Northern tip of The Sword. Muzzogh Mog's thick stone walls carved long ago by Orcs, Trolls and Goblins is not the home of many more races but has lost some its crime and shady figures over the years. Most of the warlike culture of Shezag-zoz has remanded but democracy has started to flare up in the region.
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