Lord Chancellor Khilseal II Yelkrana Character in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Lord Chancellor Khilseal II Yelkrana

Lord Chancellor Khilseal II Yelkrana

Lord Chancellor Khilseal II Yelkrana, son of Lord Rydel Yelkrana and Lady Hyceyrael Yelkrana, née Filaion, was the Lord Chancellor of Oslias, the chief advisor to many Kings of Oslias from House Arasatra. The Lord Chancellor Khilseal II Yelkrana was the second most powerful man in Oslias following the Return of Man. Lord Chancellor Khilseal II was the Lord Chancellor of Oslias to King Nesterin Arasatra and King Varitan Arasatra and Lord A'onora, a town that was the location of one of the bloodiest battles during The Promised War. King Wyat Tuly the Upholder order his death during The Promised War and nothing has come of Lord Chancellor Khilseal II Yelkrana since the Siege of A'onora.
98 BMR 301 AMR 399 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Heir to House Yelkrana


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