Lord Chancellor Cérebrael Elunore Character in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Lord Chancellor Cérebrael Elunore

Lord Chancellor Cérebrael Elunore is a former Lord Chancellor of Oslias and founder of The Conclave of Cérebrael, a small council formed to be advisors to the King of Oslias. Lord Chancellor Cérebrael Elunore was born in Aylahôna. Lord Chancellor Cérebrael was made Lord Chancellor of Oslias by King Omabalar Arasatra the Mumbling King. Cérebrael would act as Lord Chancellor of Oslias until the reign of King Tamnaeth Arasatra when they were both killed during The Unseen War. Lord Chancellor Cérebrael was instrumental in the rebuilding of The Second Kvenörar Empire and construction of The Society of Fallen Sons.
398 BMR 2 BMR 396 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed during The Unseen War


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