Father Thandir Osathas the Wise Character in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Father Thandir Osathas the Wise

Father Thandir Osathas the Wise is a former Father of The Order of Ardor's Sons. Born in E'ena Alora in the The Ashsekadian Mountains bordering The Glynwarin Wood, Father Thandir the Wise was third in line to E'ena Alora and he joined The Order of Ardor's Sons when he was a boy. Father Thandir quickly rose in the ranks of the order and became a close friend to Ardor Elunore, the founder of The Order of Ardor's Sons. Father Thandir Osathas would became Father of The Order of Ardor's Sons after Ardor Elunore disappeared. Father Thandir would grow the order by building The Library of Thandir the Wise, a large library in The Sanctum of Ylvelean in the village of Ylvelean.
793 BMR 372 BMR 421 years old


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