Mae Cress Character in The World of Autara | World Anvil
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Mae Cress

Mae Cress is a Sea Folk teenager who is the eldest child of Judah Cress and is Molly Cress’s Granddaughter.   Mae is a very smart and determined character, but she unfortunately often leans into condescending and stubbornness, which causes some arguments between her and family members, mostly her grandma as the two are both very bullheaded as well as her brother who finds the smarter than though attitude annoying, if she isn’t reigning it in.   She is quite girly and feminine but is not afraid of getting her hands dirty working on the family barge. She is also quite creative, liking embroidery and knitting among other hobbies.


Mae has long wavy dark brown hair which she often keeps in one or two braids. She has warm brown skin and dark brown eyes. She also has pierced ears that she often wears earrings in.   Mae often wears the colorful clothing of the sea folk, often adding more colorful embroidery and decoration of her own, and tends to wear a tunic and skirt combo, often also wearing a jacket or shawl over top.

Personal History

Mae is the eldest of the Cress grandchildren, being seventeen years old, and is three years older than her younger brother Milo. She grew up on the family river barge and has lived her life traveling up and down waterways in Autara and sometimes other kingdoms.
Molly Cress
Milo Cress


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