Norlan Species in The World of Angfaulith | World Anvil


A once proud race that dwelled in the ancient forests in the east of Baleria, now extinct.    


Ability Score Increase +4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Constitution -2 int. (Norlans can raise their natural strength to 24, but cant raise their dexterity and intelligence beond 18)
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Powerful Build. You have proficiency in the Athletics skill checks and strength saves. Furthermore if you have successfully performed a grapple you can restrain a target on subsequent success made . You count as one size bigger when determining your carrying capacity, and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Slam Attack. You gain a slam attack that deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.   Size. Male Norlan can be as tall as 8 feet and weigh 400 pounds, with females generally being 6f tall and 350 pounds.   Age. Norlan mature more quickly than humans, reaching maturity at around 8. Norlan rarely live longer than approximately 50 years.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write a common language.   Alignment. Norlan tends towards neutral and lawful alignments.   Climbing speed. You have climbing speed equal to your movement speed.   Darkvision The Norlan prefer to dwell in caves, and are well suited for it. You have 60ft darkvision

Languages. The Nolan language is extinct

Basic Information


The Norlan are exceptionally strong in the upper torso, and they tend to support their weight on their knuckles even if they are fully capable of bipedal gait.

Growth Rate & Stages

They typically reach maturity by the age of 10 and generally live to their fifties.

Ecology and Habitats

The Norlan thrives best in lush forests with access to natural caves. Lore has it that they magically carved caves where none where to be found if the habitat was well suited.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Having large muscular bodies and a generally active lifestyle, Norlan has a large caloric need compared to a human. They are omnivores, and their powerful jaws let them eat more hardy foods like nuts, bark, and raw meat. They are to a limited extent capable of sustaining themselves on leaves and fresh grass, only limited by a low caloric value for mass.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Norlan are, compared to humans, less sophisticated and more blunt, but by no means dim.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Having a long heritage and closeness with the stone, the Norlan prefered cave dwellings and at some point attained darkvision. Their eyes glow an azure color when they activate it. Furthermore, they have excellent night vision. They have no other extra perseptory abilities.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

No metalworking, but proficient in magic.

Common Dress Code

Generally a loincloth.


The Norlan emerged in Baleria sometimes during The breaking and went extinct early in the age of the gods, by accounts to a conflict with a Dragon. By elven account the Norlan were uplifted from a native species of primates, and thus had a very localized habitational spread.
50 years
Conservation Status
The Norlan are effectively extinct, only a singel female is alive, through a miracle of magical reincarnation that happened in the Dimhur mountains.
Average Height
6-9 ft.
Average Weight
250-450 pounds
Average Physique
An average Norlan could easily crush or pound an average human to a pulp.


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