Leikass Character in The World of Angfaulith | World Anvil


God of knowledge and secrets

Sometimes depicted as a bald man with four eyes and a clever smile, oftentimes just by his symbol the all-seeing eye. Servants of Leikass will often be protecting old libraries and artifacts behind ample protection, as knowledge is power, and not something meant for the illiterate masses. Every major city of self-respect will have a temple dedicated to Leikass, which also serves as libraries. Priests of Leikass, known as lore keepers will often oversee important dealings and safeguard contracts and letters of nobility. Clerics of Leikass, known as lore seekers stand at the forefront of archeology and the recovery of ancient relics. Affiliated with the temples are the lorebards.

Divine Domains

Knowledge and secrets

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The all-seeing eye

Tenets of Faith

Knowledge is for the wise

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Leikass oversees the accrued knowledge of the world, and safeguard secrets.   Enlighten the world to the worthy
Divine Classification
Year of Birth
2801 EG 3290 Years old


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