Scion Silas De'luminae Character in The World as it Were | World Anvil
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Scion Silas De'luminae

Crown Prince Silas Bloodbriar De'luminae

In this year measured as 6649 as reckoned I find myself contemplating my place in things. Once again I look out at my beloved homeland and see naught but waste. We are indulgent, sloppy and every day we allow weakness to fester in our lands. I have seen the monstrous races grow stronger and fill in roles owed to greater men and women. They infest places they should not be allowed. I understand some, the fiend-blooded in law and accounting it is their devious blood, Kenku in merchantry and salvage, like magpies they are attracted to all that glitters, Orks in labour, where the beasts belong but rising above that is against the hierarchy of the world. I am no supremesist like that madman Pech, nor do I subscribe to the Hierarchy of Echoes that the Controller's more fundemental members push, but I understand nature.  The higher races, worthy of the highest honours. Elves were born as nobility, High to rule Civilisation, Dark to Rule in magic, Wood to rule in nature, that is clear. Humanity is the flexible race to fulfil the chaos of things to become ennobled by their own spirit, Merlant for all it's mistakes demonstrates this.  The Halfling, the perfect citizen, industrious, focused and docile, I appreciate their community, they can ascend when amongst many of there own kind and are noted by their service to their community. Then Gnomes, the inventive progress they bring a boon to society, perhaps too erratic for true leadership but clearly high minded and principled so are the last of the higher races. Merfolk are the least of the higher races, inferior to humans in every respect but exist in their underwater kingdoms. They are civilised but not useful. We should help them build then pen their development allowing them their petty kingdoms without inhibiting true civilisations.  Then the secondary races not rulers but things that can be respected and add to the world. Fiend bloods, they are intelligent but deceitful, untrustworthy, corrupted by the chaos or greed in their blood, they should be used in middle roles, carefully controlled to ensure not to allow them too much freedom so they cannot overindulge. Crowmen are thieves and criminals at heart, divest them of possessions however and they can be honest members of society, I suggest depriving them to help their souls.  The Goatmen of Ploinat are cheery folk of intentive art, I know they rut like beasts and multiply uncontainably and slaughter each other in blood rages when too many are in the population, the answer clear, geld all but one in 10 males allow breeding of perhaps 5 foals in a single males lifetime and careful separation to prevent both the blood rages and potential incestous relations. The Prideborn, are noble and curious but fundmentally are of the wild, vain and misunderstanding of the way the world must go, I see them as good stewards or alderman, given authority but overseen, once again a leesh is needed to stop their wildness corrupting things. Drakebloods are excellent mages and artisans but are too corrupted by the Draconic bloodlines, wanting too much and unable to feel, they cannot understand service, community, loyalty, I would keep them to assist with our Dark Elven bloodkin but they cannot ever be allowed freedom again. Earth-dwellers are similar to Drakebloods, artisans and creators, they are more civilised but are unable to exist in true structures, they are clearly souless and should be treated as automata, above slaves but only slightly. The third races are to be exploited, kept in small numbers but not granted more. The Lokinsi understand slavery but misunderstand what should be allowed to be enslaved. Ah Giantkin they are a strange case, they civilize but cannot grasp hard concepts, they demonstrate honour greatly but are so backwards. I see no reason to not let them exist as peasants, even the exceptional serve in higher roles but their minds are not suited to to civilised rule, a shame as they have magnificent bodies, mayhaps with proper civilising one day they will be fit for this like the Storm Giants of old. The horsemen of the Steppe were explorers, their time is well passed, they can have majesty like a well bred steed. We should keep them like that, give them land to roam and we can view them in captivity like the menageries that pass through provinsial settlements.  Firbolgs are to be used to propogate forests and glades for the wood elves, repair the natural areas and wodes but are barely thinking beings, they stumble around without proper oversight, echewing metal and eating pyschotropic mushrooms. They should be broken up into very small groups, perhaps 1000 should be allowed at any one time to exist, no need for more. The other races should not exist, abominations awaiting destruction, proof of our laxness.  Goblins and orcs are vile disgusting creatures but obvious creatures of labour. Orcs in open areas and goblins in mines and tight corridors, they need supressing regularly and properly breeding to reduce agression and disagreeability, men can do their jobs in most incidents so should only be used for the most dangerous, demeening labour until they are no longer required so can be eradicated. Perhaps a statue to remember their labour should be built at that point, a fair reminder I think. Celestial-spawn are mistakes, tools of Gods who should not meddle in mortal affairs, I feel sorry for them as they had no choice in their birth so I shall always offer one a painless honourable death however it wants as to minimise the suffering of the abomoinations. Deamons are monsters in all but name, only the strange cult in Tylia pretends at civilised. Better to anhilate them than allow their chaotic influence, perhaps a few select samples can be hobbled and displayed in zoos. Gnolls are beasts plain and simple, they are more dangerous as they have somehow been able to use tools. They have no future, any land they inhabit becomes a wasteland, better for all things if they are destroyed. Hobgoblins are a vile experiment in war. The research should be kept in direst of circumstance but the rest are to be erased at the earliest opportunity.  Sanhaugin and merrow are corrupted by fiendish blood mand unlike humans the base is not strong enough to contend with this. Best to purge these unfortunates. Lizardmen are brutish, stupid and offer naught to a civilised world, once again perhaps a rare specimen can be kept for observation. The Medusae are an interesting case, intelligent, progressive, orgaised but no these are all pretty deceptions, they are monsters of the most perfidious level, only existing to falsely rule, they are too dangerous to exist and only offer suffering, I think it important to remember the fallen but they must not be allowed to exist. Yuan-Ti are not a real race and is a curse, best to break it through freeing them and then sterilization to prevent any spread. One race does not fit with the rest as I say I have not all the answers, the Myconid or Vegepygmy or if they are two races the both and depending if dryads are the same or separate then the three, all are plants and not of the same stock, I have seen autopsies of a few and seen some corpses but it is inconclusive on what to do with them, I would see more of their secret civilisation in the great forest. I presume to keep them under the wood elves as is likely right but best to be sure.   "Silas is a threat to the Empire, to the freedom it represents, to the world we look to build. He would make us more like Lokins or the old Iron Empire. He doesn't understand the world as much as he thinks he does but he has delved deep and sees only his sacrifices now. This has blinded him to much else. The nobility do not see this, just the power he promises, the strength he offers and the gains. But what does the ordinary citizen lose. When each is judged at birth then never given an honest chance. I am aware this is not perfect but it gets better by the generation. Silas is strength, less wasteful and profligate than his father but he is a man so enamoured with the dark he would make any sacrifice to feel its embrace. The Triarchs are joint on this, Silas will never have our support, if any of us are assassinated then Silas is the prime subject. We all know this and if one must die to smoke him out so be it. I write this to you so you have standing orders, I do suggest destroying this as is likely treason but in either case these stand. Act accordingly. ZS" - An assassin's protection.   "If one was to look at his brood then Silas is the most dangerous. I believe without a doubt only darkness awaits the world if he takes his fathers place. Lycia tried to kill him in her rebellion if only she succeeded. If it goes that way then I will do it myself. Please forgive my oath if it comes to that." - Terrmon the Ambassador

Physical Description

Body Features

Silas is strong but sleek and lithe. He has adapted his body down to have the sleekest possible outline and to eschew any fat. He looks powerful but not muscular and is tall and commanding. He keeps his body covered but it has been said in whispers he is scarred and pitted moreso than any veteran begging the question of how he ended up like this.

Facial Features

Silas is handsome but plainer than many expect, he has a prominent jaw and brow his eyes sometimes appearing sunken. His pale palor seems natural but the two large blade marks running from his hairline through his eyes and to his cheeks are offputting.

Special abilities

Silas has always had some strange resiliance to magic. Being able to slip divinations, blend more readily with illusions and has even disrupted summonings just by being aroung them. This is presumed due to his royal blood and magical heritage.

Apparel & Accessories

Silas waers black and dark velvets. He is often seen with Raven or Crow based embellishments and jewelery usually made of silver. He wears bodysuits, bodices or cloaks usually in layers to ensure his flesh is covered, these are usually belted tighty and in many places. Leathers are used in these cases and are dyed to compliment the dark hues of his outsit. He has been on occasion seen to where jet and midnight rubys.

Specialized Equipment

Two pieces are usually on Silas person, a Raven headed broach which he appears to use as his seal. He has stated this is not of religious significance however, the object is of extreme magical significance. His Blade this with a Crow displayed on the guard too is worn readily and seen often. Though less common he has been seen with a silver spined book. It has no marked title or authore but is presumed to be either a spellbook or journal.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Silas has been staunt in his masculinity. Any weakness would be used against him.


Silas has taken lovers amongst what he considers the 'developed' races, humans elves, halflings and gnomes. Each of these has ended quickly and extremely; a magnificent rise and a terrifying fall. There have been both men and women involved in this mostly from respected backgrounds with only a few rumoured scandalous daliances.


Silas has had the best. From since he could walk he has been versed in all subsets of rulership. Once he became able to manage his own education however things deviated. Silas became obsessed with the occult, black magics whilst maintaining a warriors mindset. It is unknown how deep he went or the scars received but he bears scars regardless. Many see his delving as an impressive reach to power, those more reserved are less impressed.

Personality Characteristics


Silas is currently the crown prince and is keenly involved with the politics of the Empire. He does seek the prosperity of the nation and the throne. Silas is not secretive in this and has a large number of nobles and influential people backing him.


Contacts & Relations

Unafiliated. He lacks support from siblings, his closest Exulria as they share shadowed pasts.

Religious Views

Silas follows 3 Gods, he grants glory to each whist not blessing any with special regard.

Wealth & Financial state

Practically unknown.
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Crown Prince, Raven Prince, Scion, The Black Crow, The Scarred Blackbird. The chorus of autumn, the life taker, The record of Evening.
Circumstances of Birth
Nothing Unusual
The Imperial Palace at Charm
Current Residence
The Tower of Silken Night
A cold flint like grey
A curling set of Raven locks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A pale that rejects the sunlight
6' 2''
11 st 6ibs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"This Empire, my destiny." "Carrion feeds the fields of The Empire." "Cruelty is a blade that must only be applied after all else have failed, this cannot excuse it's failure to be applied."
Worships the Reaver, The Fury and The Raven Queen

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