The Ovoid Consortium Organization in The Wode | World Anvil
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The Ovoid Consortium

Legends within this strange cult teaches that it was begun by a former follower of Krin. It is believed that this follower, referred to as the "Shattered Soul", was one of Krin's first and most powerful acolyte. The Shattered Soul realized, after serving alongside hos patron for years, that Krin was insane. He took some of Krin's most powerful writings and objects and hid himself. Knowing that eventually he would die and having separated himself from the creation pantheon years before, he desired to find a way to connect to another pantheon so he wouldn't be returned to Krin's power. After a great deal of study, he achieved lichdom but, for him, that was merely a stalling tactic. Now with time to really study, he delved into deities and planar studies. After eons of work, he established that Krin was right about one thing, that Krin came from a place beyond the Creation Pantheons power. According to their scripture, he learned that while the Wode had many planes, that it all existed in a single a existence. He preached that there were in fact multiple existences, all with there own deities and planes. He believed that travel to others was possible but it had really harsh side effects if not done correctly, hence Krin's perceived insanity. He also said that he had breached the barrier but only a crack and only for a moment. During that breach he could see the existence between existences, and that there was something greater and stranger between than he could ever describe. He spoke of strange, unfathomal beings of immense power and intelligence. The end of his writing says that all existences are like eggs. Most are in a nest together, but for some reason ours is separated from the others. He postulated that traveling between existences would be easy if they were near each other, as one would barely have to be in the "between realm", but because of the Wode's separation it was dangerous and costly.   Many people have joined this cult over the eons, but power never seems to be their goal. Knowledge tends to be their aim whenever found. Many religious leaders have even been found out to be members at some point. No one seems to know what happened to the founder, and most of what the general public seems to know about the cult is speculation.
Secret, Occult


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