Zogtsh Tradition / Ritual in The Witch-Star Theorem | World Anvil


A traditional societal unit of the Zolesso, similar to a clan in concept though size can vary greatly.   Members of a Zogtsh adhere to it's hierarchy strictly. Those in charge have absolute authority of those below them, and those below them have the same over those below them. This continues all the way down the hierarchy, and no step along the way denies that right to those above them. After all, the prevailing paternalistic outlook of the Zolesso grants them a great deal of protection, despite what one might think. After all, no one respects a parent that takes advantage of their children.   It should be said that despite the prevailing structure, the Zogtsh's are not in stasis. Things can certainly change up that structure a great deal. Those of the lower levels can be promoted by those above them, or because of some sort of inherited position that some of the Zogtsh's have. The far more common way the hierarchy is shaken up is through a simple hostile take over. To deny the hierarchy is to deny your Zogtsh prosperity. To deny the hierarchy, because you can provide for your people better than the current leader? Well that's just selfless.   Be it the largest or smallest of the units, all leaders (Patriarch or Matriarch) view themselves as on equal ground. The leader of the Zogtsh with the largest navy or military cannot order a Zogtsh with only a handful of fighters. To do so would cause the smaller leader to deny the order outright, out of tradition and self-respect. If they want anything done without resistance, they must ask. Of course, those of great power are more likely to ask without asking.


A tradition formed during the Zolesso Grain Wars, they were born from the constant brutal pressure to press the enemy to provide for your people.


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