The Wunderlunds Geographic Location in The Willdermysts | World Anvil
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The Wunderlunds


These lands are known for the adventurous, the curious, and those who suffer from wanderlust (if you can call it suffering). It is a land of diverse animals, beasts, plants, and spirits. It is filled with ruins of the past, the history erased from memory by the The Myst.


The Wunderlands consist of the following biomes: temperate deciduous forests, broad-leaved evergreen forests, coniferous forests, small natural grasslands, and rarer wetlands.


While much wildlife in The Wunderlands consists of typical plants and animals for their respective biomes, there are often strange beasts people speak of seeing. People talk of animals being altered by spirits or the mysterious magic left behind in the ruins of the old world.

The Great Sea

The Great Sea borders the coast of The Wunderlands. Since The Myst covers this body of water before one can see the horizon, little work is done at sea aside from coastal fishing.   Settlements The Wunderlands are home to several settlements, nothing more than villages of diverse folk trying to make their way in this strange world.


Applewood is located in Cloversand pine forests along the coast of The Great Sea.


Mudhearth is located in the Everpoppy Plains.


Fiveblooms is located in the Feldown Foothills.  


Mossystub is located in the Mossgarden Forest.


  • The Wunderlunds
Included Locations


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