Dragon Species in The Wild War: Anathema | World Anvil


Dragons are great, powerful and ancient creatures that would have been created by Auryel. Their brief appearance in Anathema centuries ago would be due to the dragon hunt that the Flugels orchestrated in Anathema to collect samples for their experiments. It was the first race of Anathema, it is said, to have subjected the races. They are profoundly intelligent, able to speak, the written language, the language of the Ancestors, they also understand other languages.   Dragons, or draconids, are considered to represent the strength of Chaos. Apart from cats, dragons are the only creatures capable of absorbing magical energy.   Many people consider them the worst enemies of the races and they have made many legends about them. However, the motivation for dragon hunting is not currently for the protection of the breeds, but rather for the treasures that are believed to be hidden. The fear of these beasts is unfounded because most humans, Dwarves or Half-Humans are not even capable of distinguishing them from other flying reptiles.   Dragons are divided by gender, more or less by colour: green, red and black. These creatures are also the source of many alchemicals, especially their tears and teeth, which are used in the manufacture of certain medicines and elixirs, and their blood, which is used to make cosmetics. The tail is considered a great delicacy in some areas. There are also legends of golden dragons, but most people do not believe these fairy tales.   These creatures possess unimaginable power, and are also extremely rare today. However, they are dangerous but not really hostile. They do not show the violent character often associated with them.

Basic Information



Dragons are huge flying creatures with a reptilian appearance, covered with scales and a devastating fire blast. They have a long serpentine tail and a slender, elongated neck.   Their wings, similar to those of bats, are very powerful and allow them to fly, but they are also used to take off on flat terrain, using them to project themselves like a catapult throwing a rock, their hind feet being used to gain speed and give them strength to project them.   Dragons can be of any colour: there are black, gold, green, etc. with wings of the same colour as the body with different colours.  


Les dragons sont d'énormes créatures volantes à l'apparence reptilienne, couvertes d'écailles et d'un feu dévastateur. Ils ont une longue queue serpentine et un cou élancé et allongé.   Leurs ailes, semblables à celles des chauves-souris, sont très puissantes et leur permettent de voler, mais elles sont aussi utilisées pour décoller sur terrain plat, en les utilisant pour se projeter comme une catapulte lançant une pierre, leurs pattes postérieures servant à gagner de la vitesse et leur donner de la force pour les projeter.   Les dragons peuvent être de n'importe quelle couleur: il y a du noir, de l'or, du vert, etc. avec des ailes de la même couleur que le corps avec des couleurs différentes.

Genetics and Reproduction


A dragon's egg can stay several years or even centuries before hatching. After the first few months after hatching, the dragons' growth rate is very slow and never ends. As long as he's alive, a dragon keeps growing. The life span of a dragon is unknown, however, and legends remind us of dragons thousands of years old. At birth, dragons are the size of a small cat. At five months, they can grow to the size of a small dog. In general, it would be possible to ride a trained dragon from the age of five. However, their growth can be disrupted if the dragon is confined to a place that is too narrow and closed and prevents it from moving as it pleases.   At a certain age, the dragon shows signs of aggression but they disappear with time.  


L'œuf d'un dragon peut rester plusieurs années ou même des siècles avant l'éclosion. Après les premiers mois d'éclosion, le taux de croissance des dragons est très lent et ne finit jamais. Tant qu'il est vivant, un dragon grandit. La durée de vie d'un dragon est cependant inconnue, et les légendes nous rappellent des dragons vieux de plusieurs milliers d'années. A la naissance, les dragons ont la taille d'un petit chat. À cinq mois, ils peuvent atteindre la taille d'un petit chien. En général, il serait possible de monter un dragon dressé dès l'âge de cinq ans. Cependant, leur croissance peut être perturbée si le dragon est confiné dans un endroit trop étroit et fermé et l'empêche de bouger à sa guise.   A un certain âge, le dragon montre des signes d'agressivité mais ils disparaissent avec le temps.

Dietary Needs and Habits


They eat cooked meat and do not care about the species of the animal. However, they seem to have a preference for sheep and goats.  


Ils mangent de la viande cuite et ne se soucient pas de l'espèce animale. Cependant, ils semblent avoir une préférence pour les moutons et les chèvres.