Plantlife Spell in The Wild Cards | World Anvil


Within both Tarot Lore and prejudice, the Cups suit is commonly associated with mental defense. How ironic then, that both its main abilities involve the physical. Both Plantlife manipulation and Healing are all about interacting wih living things, and not even the mind. A skilled user of plantlife manipulation can steer the growth of an entire garden, or even reach out to an intruder with the help of thorned limbs.   The act of manipulating plantlife should not be confused with manipulating Constructs. Making a suit of armour move, or even take up arms and fight, is far different from feeling a rosebush and steering its growth. Because plants are living things, there is a limit to how far one can push them, but they also offer more flexibility than mere objects. And unlike with a construct, one may use their own power to provide aid.   On the other hand, it is harder to feel through the manipulated plantlife. One cannot spy on others through bushes and trees, for these things do not have eyes and ears to observe people through. And plantlife is where the ability ends, there is no way to manipulate animals as they have their own mind.   Perhaps because Roses are an alternative suit to Cups, but rosebushes are the main plant of choice for the users of this ability. However, they may also steer trees, vines, or even grass. However, these are harder to control than thorny flexible limbs. A patch of grass has never injured someone, and a tree will have a hard time catching an intruder.


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Jan 16, 2022 17:47 by Luca Poddighe

Interesting, I would like to know in more details how it works.

Jan 16, 2022 19:46 by Michael Chandra

If I ever get my mindset right to start writing the actual story in this setting, I'll definitely expand on these abilities to put down some basic restrictions and options. That way I can more properly express what characters are capable of doing what exactly.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Jan 16, 2022 21:12 by Luca Poddighe

Fair enough. Keep me posted when you will do it!

Jan 16, 2022 21:23 by Michael Chandra


Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young