The Azuraki Species in The Wheel of Worlds | World Anvil
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The Azuraki

When the Auk’kheem (commonly known as the Builders) made first contact with another intelligent alien species, it was with the Azuraki. These aliens welcomed the relationship and peace was forged between their races. While the Builders continued to travel, the Azuraki did not, though the reason for this was not immediately apparent and not revealed to the Builders for several hundred years: the Azuraki were involved in a deeply symbiotic relationship with another species called the Oh. This being felt no inclination to travel to other planets except for the purposes of reproduction, so the Azuraki remained bound to share its desires until the creation of the Consortium of Intelligent Species. Both races needed to participate, so an exception was made, allowing a united pair to represent the two peoples.

Azuraki are typically depicted as having wings; however, examination of mummified remains showed that no wings were present and physiology could not account for such appendages. It was later determined that the presence of the white “armor” on the figures and the attached wings (shown in the effigy on the Birthplace of Light and Shadow, as well as on murals on their home planet) were actually the presence of Oh living symbiotically attached to the body of the Azuraki. This extension enabled the Azuraki to fly for short distances and to glide from tree to tree on their home world.

Basic Information


The Azuraki were a hominid species with the same arrangement of head, torso and limbs as humans; however, similarities stop there. These diminutive creatures measured approximately six to eight inches in height and featured a generally slim build with “hollow” bones like birds.

Feet are also like those of birds, designed for clamping around limbs rather than standing on flat ground. Skin colors were primarily in shades of purple with orange spots featured around the hairline and down the arms and back. Hair colors were in pastel shades of lavender, orange and white.

Large eyes dominated the head, set at an angle between full frontal (predator arrangement) and side (prey) placement. The skull featured bony ridges along the temples, curving backward into the hairline. Four nasal passages were positioned on the front of the face. The mouth opening was placed beneath the chin. A long hollow tongue extended through this opening for feeding.

Azuraki hands more closely resembled a bat’s than a humans, with two short first and second fingers followed by an extremely long pinkie with a hooked claw on the end, presumably for climbing. Two opposable thumbs – one on the palm and one below it on the wrist – give further credence to the theory that this was an arboreal species that spent a lot of time climbing trees.

This species has been long extinct and little information is available on their habits, physiology or biological cycle.

Ecology and Habitats

Azuraki were tree dwellers, evidenced by the ruins of their civilization found on the planet dubbed “Lilliput” by human discoverers. Larger public buildings were built on the ground, but homes were all open air spaces in ascending units attached to tree trunks, cliffs and other vertical structures. Their ideal climate inhabited the temperate zones of their planet.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is assumed from the structure of mouth parts that the Azuraki were nectar feeders with a high metabolism. From the remains of a marketplace found in the capital city, they also indulged in fruit and vegetable juices.
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