The Prestige: Arcana Discordia Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Web | World Anvil

The Prestige: Arcana Discordia

Playing the game of life with marked decks and loaded dice...

“Shoot into the air above us,” Isla commanded. The others turned to her, baffled that she could waste ammunition. Their enemy neared with every passing moment. They were surrounded.   "Why?" Damon asked.   "I want to see what happens." Isla replied. "Besides, they can conjure barriers. It's a waste of bullets either way."   The enemy rushed from the treeline, men and women dressed in red robes and armed with whatever they could find. Some held shards of glass in bleeding hands, others came with chains and lead pipes. Others fired their guns till running out of ammunition, only to pull curved blades from their robes.   “Do it,” Isla warned. “What's the worst that could happen?”    “Shoot into the sky?” Damon asked. “Shouldn't we shoot at the actual threat, Ms. Walker?”   "Are you not?” Isla replied. She aimed her rifle to the sky, and pulled the trigger. The others followed suit, emptying their weapons in a burst of deafening sound.   Tyler aimed, fired, and felt the kick against his shoulder. The bullets raced into the sky until the sounds of empty magazines clicked randomly all around them. Despite this, Isla and Tyler continued to fire. The heat built up in the barrel, glowing red-hot from sustained fire. Tyler wondered why he hadn't run out yet.   Click.   The moment Tyler asked, the gun answered. Tyler had a sneaking suspicion that it was his fault, like the very act of questioning it made it so. Isla's never stopped. Even as the cultists were near enough to be seen, it was Isla who decided when enough was enough. 
Bear with me, dear reader. Lets have a little thought experiment before we begin.
I'm thinking of 10 numbers between 1 and 100. It is one of the most random, most unlikely sequences.
Can you guess it?

Look at that answer... Do you feel cheated? Do you feel like the punchline to my joke? That feeling is why so many share resentment for the discordians. They feel like discordians get to break rules, when in reality, no rules were ever established in the first place. If you put a music playlist on shuffle, you'll be surprised to find it isn't actually random. There are rules on whether a song can repeat itself and whether the same artist can play again. These rules give the illusion of randomness, and the discordians know this. They exploit it and do so with every opportunity and hilarity ensues.


To Be The Exception

Arcana Discordia isn't just a genre of The Prestige. It is part philosophy, part lifestyle, and in some cases part religion. The Prestige is only one of many terrible wonders in The Web. The Discordians are the only ones who can wield this strange gift. This genre can only be gained by those who are receptive to it. While it still requires the rite, you have to die during the rite, pass the tests at The House of Cards, and then be taught by another discordian. This all assumes your lucky enough to understand its metaphorical nonsense, accepting a life where everything is a riddle. This lets you gamble with fate. You follow every gut feeling, and believe wholeheartedly in a simple truth: there is no such thing as coincidence.

Those who practice often lose themselves in the flap of a butterfly's wings. They stare, trying to follow the minute change in the air just to see where it goes and what may happen. While others would turn and run from an oncoming storm, these select few are the ones moving toward it. The Candlelight makes them more than curious. The desire to know is certainly present, but theirs is an instinctive drive to action and a need to observe. It is a desperate urge to peak within Pandora's Box. It's not to know what's inside the box, but to observe the result of releasing it.

The Discordians operate in systems, gathering information and making changes until they know exactly how to get the results they want. This would be impossible without Arcana Discordia. The genre grants them control no one else could have. It allows them to play the game of life with marked decks and loaded dice. Most who use the prestige don't even consider it a genre. The abstract concepts are a discouraging factor to many in the world and others refuse to accept that anything good can come from tempting fate.

Paradigm Shift

Chaos is one of many arcane genres that come with religious connotations attached to it. Chaos is a pantheon filled with black sheep. These metaphysical beings are active in the lives of those who hear them, even though it breaks the rules. Masters of the genre love their dark deities, but they hold no true religious traditions. Instead, they borrow from other systems of belief. Discordians shift their beliefs to what serves them best in a given scenario. They shift their paradigms and test their beliefs from every angle. They gain benefits from these faiths as anyone would, for their belief is genuine and every prayer given with an honest heart and a sound mind. Those who master the genre can "steal" benefits that cultists and clergy have access to including powers, use of relics, and a host of miracles. They do so with no strings attached.

While not all metaphysical entities are "gods," many see themselves as such. They find discordians irritating, able to get out of even the most well phrased contracts and oaths. They leave well enough alone, however. Lady Luck is protective of her flock, and she can be a cruel, vindictive sort of woman. No matter how irritating discordians are, things always seem to go their way. Like a toddler throwing a tantrum at a grocery store, discordians seek to force odds into their favor.

The Value Of X And Y

by Pxfuel

At their heart, discordians are explorers seeking to understand cause and effect on an unprecedented scale. Imagine having the ability to alter the course of history in a nation of city states by simply throwing an apple at a wedding. The reason for this lies in the systems they exploit. Their time is spent gathering data, filling in every variable until the system is perfected. They want to control the way things happen and determine how, when, and why they happen. They set the wheels in motion and observe. If it works, they learned something. If it doesn't, they learned even more.

The Drunkard's Waltz

Discordians don't care for traditional methods of fighting. While there are many situations that occur where they are forced to actually aim their gun before fireing or show they have skill in melee combat, it is usually not as preferable to simply letting go and let chaos take over in what they call The Drunkard's Waltz. They stumble onto a battlefield, bullets racing by them. They use their command of luck, winning a fight and protecting allies merely by being present in the encounter. They are seen fumbling around during a fight. They kick things over, rearrange furniture, and break cookware, changing various conditions in their environment.

They may fall over, intoxicated by the power luck provides. The discordian then watches as events unfold before them. Their enemy may trip over a lamp, have their knees knocked out from under them on a table, and fall face-first into a pile of broken glass. It seems planned, but in reality, the results are just as surprising to the discordian as it is to their unfortunate test subject. Discordians dont control their gifts.

A discordian gives themselves over entirely to chaos, often not being in direct control over specific movements of their own body. Such things may appear silly, but no one will be laughing. While all this is happening, discordians cast various spells that have brutal effects of their own, turning a hilarious display of drunkenness to an intimidating feat of reckless action.

The Four Theorems

Arcana Discordia is divided into four distinct principals. Each puts a focus on a way one can use the gift of chaos and reveals a new set of possibilities, a new way of gathering data. The Four Theorems are the basis for the genre and are used to train those who wish to learn. The theorems act as the only form of rank among the discordians. Each new theorem learned brings you that much closer to cutting the strings that fate holds on you. To the discordians, mastering all four theorems is the closest thing to free will you can have.

Imagine any action you take. The discordians believe that you are not the one who chooses that action. That action is predetermined by experience, who you are because of that experience, and the various influences and stresses present at the time of making said choice. By mastering Arcana Discordia, you are given another option. They get to be a thorn in destiny's side. They get to make their own choice, knowing what is written, and choosing the opposite.

Luck is chaos weaponized. Luck goes both ways much like chaos. It can bring good fortune, and bad.
— Mal, from The Scarlet Ashes
Apples of Discord
Item | Mar 8, 2020

Chaos weaponized

Arcane Powers of Arcana Discordia
Still working on this one guys. Every genre will have a list of abilities and fancy chart for easy reference. Bear with me. So every genre has a gimmick. Every one of my genres has a specific way the spells work. This means each genre comes with its own special mechanic that separates it from the others. some of these mechanics will be displayed in the form of an easy to follow graphic...which is currently in the works. In the case of Arcana Discordia, players make what I decided to call paradox rolls.

Paradox rolls occur any time a character casts a spell in this genre or with chaotic energies. The player rolls a D100 and if it lands on a multiple of 8, they crit and the ability used is successful. If they land on a multiple of 5 however, a paradox occurs and the spell is inverted.

Ever spell has an inverted counter spell that activates should a paradox occur instead of the intended spell that crits on a roll of 40. This can be a good or a bad thing but when coupled with Pattern Recognition, the player can use this in their favor. See the following blocks for information on spells and their inversions as well as other abilities the genre has to offer.


Arcana Discordia
The gnostic state is a form of meditation that allows one to be more receptive to chaotic energies. Entering the state has no visual effect but the mannerisms of the user do change. They appear more lathargic and often sway as if intoxicated.
Arcana Discordia 1
self, passive
Player may use a free action to enter the state free of cost. After this all spells known in the genre can be used. The state gives a plus 1 to initiative.
Arcana Discordia

Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition
Arcana Discordia
This ability is passive and entirely internal. The user begins to notice certain reoccurring systems in their environment. These systems can be taken advantage of as the user casts their spells. Their understanding of chaos deepens allowing them to actually cause a paradox, or stop that paradox from happening.
Arcana Discordia 2
Self, Passive
During a paradox roll, one must decide if they want one spell or its inversion. When they roll, they may alter the dice roll up to +/- 2 only if a paradox, or crit are within that reach.   If the result of the roll is 42, and the user wants to cast cascade, they have done so successfully. If they rolled a 42 and wanted to cast collapse, they can subtract two from the number, leading to a inverted crit. If they wanted to cast cascade but land on a 30, they can change it to cast cascade. Player only spends Power Points if they use the +/- factor.
Arcana Discordia


Arcana Discordia
The spell is one of the first ever designed by those who focus on the Probability Theorem. The area of effect will glow faintly as the effects are applied. In cascade, matter seems to break apart and reform, usually in the manner of healing as wounds seal up, using the matter as material to repair the damage. In collapse, the area dims, and all matter slowly corrodes and atomizes.
Arcana Discordia 0,
AOE, 30Ft


A spell designed to take advantage of undetermined quantum states, Cascade allows the user to place a 15ft radius AOE that heals anyone within for X amount of HP. This effect can be sustained if the user expends the same number of points to do so. On crit, the cascade doubles health gained, and increases defense by 2 as those within the circle begin to predict enemy attacks. X=Points Spent  


If a paradox occurs, the user instead places a damaging AOE that deals X ammount of damage as the quantum states become unstable and begin to tear apart all matter into fundamental particles. This too can be sustained in the same manner as cascade.
Arcana Discordia

Amor Fati/Rampant

Amor Fati/Rampant
Arcana Discordia

Amor Fati:

Similar to Rage, the spell was created to prevent distraction from pain as well as increase endurance during a fight, particularly one that isn't going to well. The user enters a state of bliss as they accept the death they may likely receive. They shed fear and sensation as the adrenaline flows.  


When a paradox occurs, the spell actually has a different effect. The user becomes uncontrollable as they lash out at any around them. Their strength increases dramatically as they cleave through their enemies.
Arcana Discordia 1
Self, Sustained
While in either state, the user gains a bonus 2 dmg/hit and are unaffected by pain. They also may dip below 0 health so long as they maintain the state with power points. The states differ in one way. Amor Fati grants evasion, raising initiative and defense by 2, If rampant is active, the user gains +6 instead of 2
Arcana Discordia


Arcana Discordia


A spell designed initially to push enemies back. The user will cause a sudden burst of energy around themselves that pushes out in a shock wave accompanied by chains of multicolored electric arcs.


Users began to notice that if a paradox occurs, the reverse effect will take place. A gust of white energy will manifest in motion as it rushes toward the user. Anyone caught within will be pulled with it.
Arcana Discordia 1
Self, AOE
Split will push back any one in a 15 foot radius to 30ft. this deals 3 base HP. Collide will pull the enemies within 20 ft to within 5 ft of the user.
Arcana Discordia


Isla threw the gun to the ground, the barrel bent and melting from the heat. Damon screamed at her, “Are we just going to stand here and die?”   “Any second now,” Isla said, sitting on the grass. The cultists were nearly at their throats. The others cursed at her, one even motioning to attack Isla directly. She simply sat, playfully picking at a flower she found while searching in the dark.   The moment the horde reached them, a sound came, a whistle that ended in a burst of blood spewed forth by the nearest attackers. The sound repeated itself, overlapping as the bullets came screaming down from the sky above. Not a single bullet missed, hitting the cultists with more force than should be possible.    The bullets tore through them. Some of the cultists screamed, others tried to run away once they realized what was happening. In the end, Isla smiled. The others stared in confusion, but Tyler laughed and stared in awe. They stood with a perfect circle of bodies surrounding them.

Articles under The Prestige: Arcana Discordia

Cover image: by David Clode


Author's Notes

When I first wrote Arcana Discordia for Expedition Demeter, I was astonished how well it was recieved. Now that im working on The Prestige, I figured this would be the first genre to convert over to The Web. I put a lot of my own personal life into this article, and the theorems. Just with dates, very few people in my family were not born on or within a week of a major holiday. Mom on new year's day, dad on Halloween, cousin on Christmas eve, the list goes on. Both of my sons were born on the same day. My grandmother is notorious for winning casino jackpots, and the lottery. A week after she won a couple million, I played the first time ever and won 24 dollars, I was 24 years old. Coincidental weirdness is part of my family culture. These weird facts are, of course, just coincidence, but they make for a wonderful story. While much of what is on this article is new, alot has been copied from Expedition Demeter, particularly with the theorems. I wanted to maintain the theme of The Web throughout the series of articles. Synchronicity, along with chaos magick, chaos theory and quantum mechanics [which I butcher for the sake of fiction here] are all major inspirations. I actually have the apple of discord tattooed on my arm, as it's my favorite myth of all time and I love telling the story. I hope you like my article and thank you for sharing a little slice of me.

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Mar 29, 2020 17:33 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Luck is always a fun power to play with! I've even got a whole ethnicity influenced by it in Qet! I like the chaotic edge you've given the Discordians and their powers. The quoted bits definitely help flavor things as well!

Mar 30, 2020 14:10 by R. Dylon Elder

Thanks so much man! Gonna spot u back on these comments today. I love the idea of luck as a power. I ought to look at that ethnicity, sounds interesting!

Mar 30, 2020 16:39 by Grace Gittel Lewis

They're the Coulqepluex (and by extension, their nation, Rektouzk) which you've already liked (and I would hope read before doing so) in the past! Blue guys with the arm spikes.

Mar 30, 2020 16:52 by R. Dylon Elder

O.o I do not recall... hmmmm, I doubt I didn't read it. I skim every article I like, though admittedly, can't always read in depth, especially nowadays. Sorry if I gave that impression :( I likely forgot. Gonna rectify.

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