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The Probability Theorem

Worry not about what is. Worry about what could be...


Those who practice Arcana Discordia have had many heated debates on just how important probability is over Causality . In reality neither is more important then the other and both are necessary to master the genre. Those who would select probability do so due to the potential of The Synchronicity Theorem. If one can prime the universe for change, their power could be limitless. Why settle for a specific change when literally anything could happen?
There are those that focus solely on probability. Part of the specialization comes from the gift of foresight that this particular theorem provides. The active spells are often beautiful in aesthetic and the sensations it gives the user are unparalleled to anything else the genre has to offer.


To put it plainly, the theorem of probability is all about understanding, predicting, and avoiding outcomes that could happen in any given scenario. The practitioner feels the potential around them with what they learned from dealing with luck and can predict when an enemy will attack them, or whether it will be successful.
Calculating such things takes time, and as such, the more time one has to calculate, the more accurate the predictions. It also allows them to predict further into the future.
Most of the time, the furthest ahead one can predict is about 2 or 3 seconds.
There are other benefits to the theorem The Discordians can employ. While it is nice to be able to see what will happen before it does, some learn to embrace the undetermined. They choose to remain uncertain and give in to the throes of infinite potential. They see the fabric of reality in a single moment and grasp at the strings along the split seams. If one were to take hold of these strings...all they would need to do is pull.

The Power Of Uncertainty

Combat prediction is a useful tool, but it is the power of uncertainty that truly gives a discordians the combat effectiveness that makes them a force to reckoned with. Some users can fade in and out of reality, being both existent and nonexistent simultaneously. They can walk through walls and have a bullet slip through them. Some who are close to chaos can trade their fate with their cloned counterparts in the other realities.
A trained marksman can fire as many times as they want, but misses for a myriad of reasons. One bullet was shifted off its course by a sudden guest of wind. Another hit an apple that fell from a tree. It wasn't until emptying his clip that the marksman realizes the truth. None of those bullets were meant for his target.
Discordians can twist, split, and fuse quantum particles into a beam of electric, radioactive light that arcs to the ground in multicolored volts.
They are hard to predict. Those who have fought them find discordians frustrating to fight. It is as if the more accurate you are at tracking their movement, the less you know about where they actually are at the time of your attack and vice versa.

To Tug At Strings

Discordians learn how to tap into the quantum level and manipulate reality with uncertainty. They take advantage of the laws that make the world work. They bypass known laws of physics for a more fundamental rule system. Mastering probability leads one to mastering the art of what can be, and by proxy, what will be. Of course, there are other schools of thought. Some believe that it isn't enough to just avoid outcomes or rely on fate to send you the favorable storm. Some choose to cause those storms. Some seek to beat their wings and in so doing...become the storm.

Articles under The Probability Theorem

Cover image: by pxfuel


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