Session 28: No Way Home Report Report in The Utopian Revelation | World Anvil
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Session 28: No Way Home Report

General Summary


"Captain's Log, Stardate 3:9:2111. We have just begun boarding the Edarft's Opportunity from Proxima B to the newly discovered, distant world of Alcippe within the Oterius System. They say this world is brimming with untapped resources and colonists to this planet will inevitably strike it rich. Can't say that matters too much to me and my boys. I wish I could say this would be a terribly exciting journey, but we are facing years of travel while these gold-diggers sleep soundly not aging a day. I was just informed we only have 2 shifts set for rotation once we are fully underway to mitigate me and my crew's aging. I'd requested a 3rd shift, like on my previous runs, but apparently that was refused due to 'budgetary concerns'. Jim said he heard Jack Edarft, our financier, burned all his money and bridges just to put this boat together. Anyways, we'll be forced to take these shifts in 6 Galactic Standard rotations with 1 month of consciousness to check and monitor systems once fully underway. We'll continue loading, run systems check, and get underway immediately. Captain John Trainer, logging off." "Captain's Log, Stardate 3:9:2111. This mission just isn't sitting right with me. Jack and his team rushed us through initial boarding to get underway, apparently Jack having some concern about 'claim jumpers'. We just got underway a few minutes ago and are heading towards the N-Zone to breach the system. Well, right as we departed, I just learned that Jack somehow swung the cost for one of those new-fangled prototype Zip Drives that's supposed to open an isolated wormhole or some-such untested nonsense. It supposedly can get us there in the span of a few weeks. Prototype or not, that saves years for us, right? Well then Jack hands me a specific confidential set of criteria that must be met before I am authorized to even use the damn things. So we're lugging around this crazy technology we can't use and he couldn't swing for a 3rd fucking shift? *sigh* Always, guess Jim was wrong about him being stark broke. Maybe this has something to do with that pudgy little man Jack insisted on swapping out for one of the colonists during boarding? Anyways, this is supposed to be for my logs, not just speculation. Captain John Trainer, logging off."   "Captain's Log, Stardate 21:9:2111. Despite our rushed launch, it has been a fairly uneventful journey so far. The stasis pods seem to be holding well and Jim and Luke have confirmed the internal systems are fully functional. We're a few months out of being allowed to drop into stasis ourselves, but it is nice to know we won't glitch out and die in our sleep. I must admit to some nervousness about going into those stasis pods, no matter how many runs I've done. Anyways, I am currently reviewing the passenger logs to try and make up for the damned fool rushing it aboard. Can't have any security risks while they are under my care. After that? Enjoy the new planet, not my problem. Captain Trainer, logging off."   "Captains Log, Stardate 6:10:2111. Potential security incident. I was surprised to see we have a person of interest aboard during my review. We've been either blessed or cursed with bone-fide son of a hero and his wife. Apparently the system detected a pregnancy as well, so I guess I'll get to inform him about his unborn child. First child of a new just can't help but make headlines. Anyways, I found a mismatch in the logs. The logs indicated a middle-aged man, Tanuko Vaya, should be in Pod 26 in Stasis Room A. Instead, there is apparently a small woman in that pod. Marking the pod as prioritized interest in the system to prevent non-manual release. Whoever they are, they are the new colony's problem. She can sleep soundly until the colony throws her in a brig or whatever. Captain Trainer, logging off."   "Captains Log, Stardate 1:11:2111. We have just confirmed sightings of potential other colony vessels that seem to be following an identical trajectory to the Oterius System. We've been tracking the trajectory for a few days now and have confirmed that they are not only heading on the same path. They are meeting several of the criteria Jack listed in the protocol to use those Zip Drives. If they continue to gain, we'll have to initiate...what did he call it? Finders Keepers Protocol. Christ on a cracker...fucking civies. Captain Trainer, logging off."   "Captain's Log, Stardate 3:11:2111. We're nearing visual contact with the colony ships. We've confirmed 3 that each appear to be using stronger engines than us and gaining rapidly. I've informed the boys that we're going to have to crack this Zip Drive after all. I've checked off all he wanted me to in that documentation, but leaving logs running to cover my ass. Not getting into a legal battle with this cheap bastard. Luke kill the viewscreens. Jim, ready on systems? *ready captain* Initiating Finders Keepers Protocol *whispered - 'stupid fuckin name'* in 3...2...1...*ship rumbles and groans*. Huh...well...look at that. That's just...voi-*CRUNCH* "Fu...Pull up! What the hell did we hit? GRAB THAT LEVER! Sh-*loud crunching sound, a long grinding, swearing in the background* *Falls to silence*."   "*whisper* Captains Log...stardate...who the fuck knows. We landed in this...well, who the fuck knows? Never should have used that untested bullshit. Anyways...we're in some city. Everything went jet black for a minute and when the emergency lights kicked on, we were here. Managed to land ass down, at least. There seems to be some sort of gravity here. Most of the systems are DOA, Jim managed to reroute all emergency systems to the Stasis Pods and life support. I...suspect some of the pods, especially those on the back, did lose power...those poor bastards." "There seems to be some strange city out there. There's only two stars in the whole sky, one looks like a white sun that Luke swears looks slightly red to him and the other, maybe an odd moon I'm guessing, seems to be a dark, dull red. Nothing else in the sky and the damn things don't move right. They seem locked together and shifting slightly across the sky, but never setting. Its never night here and feels like its been at least a full cycle. There's buildings and seems to be oxygen outside, but we just need to assess, regenerate power, and get the fuck out of he*crackle*"   "*cough* The boys are acting odd. Luke keeps begging us to wake up the sleepers, but damned if I'm adding more complications to this situation. Jim actually agrees with me. He's...he's got an odd look in his eyes, but he agrees that we need to see what is out there. We need to explore the city. What...what I haven't told them...there's...fuck me, you won't believe this, no one else would either...Sally. Sally is outside of the hull calling out to me. I've heard her whispering...crying out for me....begging me to let her in. Just like she used to before she left with... *clears throat* Its not like the dreams before. Her voice, clear as day, reaching out to me. The others claim they can't hear anything...but I see them fall still when she's speaking to me. Maybe they think the same, maybe they don't think I'd believe them that they are hearing my ex-wife outside. What is she doing here? I...we need to open the door. We need to explore this city. We...I need to see her. I need to see her. This will be my last log for a little while. I can't keep sparing the power from my coms unit for these logs if we're setting out. Once we get power...hell, maybe this trip won't have turned out so badly after all. I'll be bringing Sally back home again. When you listen to this, baby, I promise I won't ever shut you out again..." *End of Log*   The crew, gathered inside of the Intrepid Explorer, hears the final moments of this long-dead stranger's life fade away. Two more strangers lay inside of the medical room, a third lounges in a quickly assigned bunk. Did the repairs to the Intrepid Explorer take long? Who can say? The clocks return Null, the calendars remain unflipped, the only method of telling time is the exhaustion growing in the bodies of the crew. Have they ever NOT been in this ship, trapped in this city? The twin blood-moons remain in the sky, locked as ever above the dead city. The silence permeates the ship once more as the crew has, in their own ways, tried to remain silent. All that remains, the final step to freedom, seems to be the looming tower ahead."   "Under the twin bloodmoons, under the shadows of the tower, trapped in their familiar cage of metal...what have the crew been doing? One down-time action from each of you as you have waited, rested, repaired, or in other ways PREpared for leaving this forsaken city?"

Game Start

A Moment of Downtime

The crew repaired the ship over the series of a few days (?). During that time, each of them focused on specific activities.


Dash and William Blake stopped their daily meditations together after their last conversation. Instead, Dash focused on studying and understanding the 2 Host Tech devices discovered by Li and himself. He came to understand one was a large trap of some sort, while the other seems to be somehow related to Time and potentially manipulating it. He had a silently aggressive staring contest in the halls with Yuka at some point, but beyond that stayed focused on his task.


Alicia spent some time focused on her relationship with Botley. She was able to focus on building Rapport with him and coming to an understanding that she can rely on him to assist her without having to convince him every time. She also solidified this by satisfying his desire (and failed attempts) to make a little bow to be more like his role-model Mark.


Kyra spent her downtime over those days caring for the injured crew as well as building a rapport with her new Tsarin pet.


Rose and Yuka spent most of their free time together. Rose told Yuka what she knew of the modern universe while admiring her as a friend, meanwhile Yuka continued to overtly flirt despite none of her attempts being recognized. Rose told Yuka about a 'pleasure planet' during a conversation in which Yuka said: “So where in this twisted verse can a simple orphan girl with the rare affliction of sticky fingers Live Laugh Love her way to a fun and early retirement? Any of these balls of rocks offering sex, drugs, and rock n roll based only off only a terribly charming personality and ravishing good looks?" as well as said "I didn’t give a shite about being a farmer or miner or fuck else they’d want me for. To be straight with ya, I was already dreading having to figure out how to hell to get out of that fucked-brain labor. But hey, I didn’t land where I thought I’d be but suppose I got away from that fucker Ursus after all, eh? Suck on entropy, ya dead Ruskie fuck, how’s that for ‘not gettin far’. Sucks for the colonizers, sure, but best damn accident a girl could ask for.”

Tumerian Li

Li focused on running diagnostics checks for the ship and worked towards bringing Alexa back online. He did so and found that she was unfocused and hazy with her internal clocks and counters being out of sorts in this dimensional pocket. He explained the situation and was able to have her focus on 1 task at a time. He had her focus on reviewing the logs just prior to their "incident". Soon after, she returned with an anomaly in the logs showing that there was a large burst of energy just after falling into Z-Space and before slipping into the dimensional pocket.   This was passed on to Alicia and Kyra to focus on while Li focused on the ship. They found that the energy burst seemed to come from Guru Kevin's chambers.


Jason and Chiara set out together to explore the buildings around the Intrepid Explorer while everyone else remained in the ship. Jason ended up finding an object that looked similar to a broken half-necklace with a long vertical part (like a T with the top prongs curved around for a neck). It had a small circular indentation where the parts converged.   Unfortunately, Jason made a little too much noise and attracted the attention of one of the Seraphim. He and Chiara successfully snuck back to the ship, but he noticed that the creature didn't seem to have any difficulty remaining in the same shape it was in (prowler) while stalking them.

Group Meeting

He and Chiara snuck back into the ship and saw William Blake working on Mark's back doing basic repairs. They gathered everyone up into the Common Area to discuss how to move forward. Jason and Chiara told the group of the Seraphim getting closer and closer to finding/swarming them, Li explained the ship was back to operable, and they all determined the plan moving forward was to fly the ship to the Tower and go in from there. William Blake seemed hesitant about that idea and tried to convince the group to walk/ride there, but he was overruled and sent to the Turret with a safe-word if he sees incoming Seraphim messing with his mind again: "pineapple".   Jason walked to Yuka and told her to go to the MedBay. She snapped back at him. He reached down and (barely) grabbed her around the neck and began to carry her away. She (obviously and loudly) whispered to him that her safeword was Banana to try and make him uncomfortable. She continued struggling as he violently carried her away until he, now provoked, pulled his claws and held them against her head in a overtly violent threat. She went limp in his arms as Rose, Kyra, and the rest saw Jason carry her away by the neck. He threw her into the MedBay (to the other 2 occupant's surprise) and sealed the door. Li followed that up by cutting off power to the door to prevent her from escaping.   While this was happening, Li tried sealing up the ramp somewhat with foam. That proving to be a futile effort, he sealed the internal cargo-bay doors and everyone prepared for launch. It was a very rocky, bumpy lift-off in a ship using old technology from centuries old ships, but he was able to fly the ship out of the wedged-in position and fly towards the Tower. He and Dash began to understand that even APPROACHING the tower was forcing them to focus their intention on arriving there, otherwise the speed of approaching it was severely reduced. After a short period, watching Seraphim flying up all over the city in the distance to head towards them, they approached the Tower itself.

The Tower of Heaven

Approaching the Tower

Li perfectly spun the ship around to land it where the ramp opened up directly against the doorway into the tower itself. The massive, 25ft doorway had its doors shattered inside the open landing inside of the tower with shards of that same, odd type of wood scattered within. Li landed and explained to Alexa that he would need to turn the ships systems off for a little while and would be putting her into a sleep state for just a bit. She told him she trusted him and allowed herself to be turned off. The ship fell dead and silent once more except for the life support and lights.   Meanwhile, everyone else rushed back towards the Cargo Bay. Jason, Rose, and Chiara (who seemed upset at Jason which was only noticed by Rose, not Jason) opened up the MedBay to release Yuka, Ladi, and John. Yuka had obviously been crying in the corner when they entered but exited on her own and sulked out toward where the rest of the group were heading. Jason grabbed the Oxygen Tanks, Ladi, and John and carried them into the Cargo Bay with the rest. Rose had a "thirst" moment as Li sprinted by and Jason carried 2 grown men and 4 oxygen tanks.

No AI Left Behind

Once they were all together in the Cargo Bay, Jason asked Li about Alexa. Li explained they didn't have anything that could hold her. Jason quickly determined that he could. They grabbed Kyra and Rose and sprinted for the Systems Room to interact with the AI module that Li observed Mad Al install what seems like so long ago. Together, they focused on accessing the device. Li and Kyra calmed Alexa after her panicked reawakening and explained the situation. Rose and Jason found an access port into her systems, and Jason dove in.

Jason's Sacrifice

Jason accessed the internal module and realized that the only way that he could give enough storage and processing power to bring Alexa into his own cybernetic body would be to purge all of the memories that he'd spend so long unlocking. His mind tried to tempt him with flashes of previous lives, a series of images of his family, awakening over and over in the same laboratory, and moments worth preserving. He purged them all and brought Alexa into himself. As the process completed, a rare sight occurred as Jason seemed to smile a genuine smile of warmth and companionship. They all rushed back to the Cargo Bay together, comforted by the knowledge that they hadn't been forced to leave anyone behind no matter what was going to happen.

Setting the Perimeter

The rest, including Dash and his 'go-bag', grabbed what necessities they could before braving the tower and leaving the ship behind. They saw Seraphim flying towards them from across the city, so Dash and Mark ducked under the ramp and slid out and walked forward to provide cover while the others ran to save Alexa. Dash set up his newly researched Host trap 50ft ahead of the ship and watched in excitement as it triggered and a wall of lightning from it severed the first incoming Corrupted Seraphim. He and Mark proceeded to hold the line to give the others time to prepare, killing 2 more Seraphim before they could get into the ship and attack the others. They also noticed that the Seraphim were no longer forced to change their forms constantly and seemed to be shifting at will instead.


The group running back from saving Alexa saw a rain of black ooze over the ramp as Mark's arrow slammed into a flying Seraphim's head and pinned it above the doorway. William Blake fired a few rounds up into the dead monster as cover. Mark grappled back into the Ramp per Dash's commands and passed along the message for them to move forward. Jason carried Ladi and the oxygen tanks towards the stairs while Li carried the paralyzed John. They all jumped off the ramp and headed into the landing.   They gazed up at stairs that were sized at least 6-7ft per step, but following Dash's instructions (after consulting with Sathriel in his mind), their intention to ascend to Ydrissil found them walking on steps sized for them before they knew it. Dash followed quickly behind as they all climbed the steps towards what seemed like infinity, each trying to hold the image or concept of their destination in mind. Despite some, like Alicia, wandering towards thinking of beaches and comfort, they arrived before the Throne soon after with the beats of hooves and wings encroaching in the far distance.

The Throne

They arrived before the throne and many of them failed to resist the overwhelming compulsion to kneel before the splintered tattered remains of the throne of the Hosts. Lelial approached from the side of the room, drifting towards them while allowing the section of transparent wall she was holding her hand against to return to its normal solidity. William Blake immediately walked past her and the throne, seemingly entranced and eager to see Ydrissil.

Interview with an Angel

Lelial drifted towards them while saying the following during the conversation: “I have stood as the guardian of a dead kingdom in hopes of a people who long since abandoned me returning. I have stood as aid to creatures I do not know who will never know me...and stood as witness of their futile demise in a conflict they may have been created for but began long before their emergence. Orgeneous has not taken my mind, but I fear the despair and decay he has brought has taken my hope. But with the stories you have brought me…a seed remains. Perhaps...perhaps for my people...a single seed is still enough."   “This...this place was beyond beauty once. It was hope. Refuge. Peace. Unity. This was the hub of the Universe that Was, the connection between all ends of where beings great or small may reside." *Head Drops* "No more. This land should be free of yet I see all rot and decay around me.”   *Gestured towards the Throne* “Keter and the bravest of us stood there. Ashes now. Dust to dust. I remember the valiance in Keters eyes as he spoke to us of a way to destroy Orgeneous. ‘He will lose his foothold here and we will drive him out of our universe forever’. *sigh* The hope in Gabriel’s eyes as he and Hod charged down to hold the Gates…and yet all remains is Dust. I never did discover why they were not returned to Ydrissil…why ashes and dust remain instead of the darkened, harden flesh of fallen Seraphim. I suppose I never will.”   *Gestured towards the Well/Portal* "I sealed the portal after I found that the first of your kind had passed through. It had remained open for far too long in the faintest of hopes already...I feared IT was growing corrupted while powered by the corrupted souls of my kin. Surely your kind did not mean to traverse these streets, but it took them in all the same. So, with none to consult but myself and my fading comrades, I chose to close it.” “Like all of the technology of my people, it too is powered by our will. Our souls. *gestures towards the tree* However...take caution in touching the Seeds of Ydrissil. Both to protect your own minds from those who have fallen as well as not to damage the souls of my kin who may yet be redeemed."   *In response a Question about the Portal* "Once...Keter was able to direct the Pools of Transference to wherever needed in the city. He opened it beneath the feet of those crouched in terror within these very halls as the soldiers of Orgeneous slaughtered by directing it with his Will alone. Would it be possible to open the portal into the side of the tower and fly your machine through? Certainly. It would require a testament of great strength and resolve of will. None ofyou are Keter...perhaps many of you combined? Either way, at least one of your kind most remain in contact with the portal to complete this task."

The Power Behind the Throne

While talking to Lelial, the group heard a loud BOOM behind her. She lurches forward a few steps before her long neck angles down to look at her chest. Trails of black, viscious ooze begin to stream out of her chest from a gaping hole within in. Through the rapidly filling hole, they looked through and see the smoking barrel of a large, oversized hand-cannon and locked eyes for the briefest of moments with William Blake's piercing eyes on the other side of the iron sights. Those still by the throne say Dash and Li talking to Lelial as William Blake paced behind her towards the tree. He looked down briefly and they barely made out the moment of his lips echoing 'I Accept'. He raised his empty right hand toward Lelial in one swift, uninterrupted motion. As he did, they saw a flickering blur of a shape as what looks like threads of metal spiral together. By the time his swift motion is complete and his hand remains level with the back of Lelial's chest, you see the familiar shape of a large Hand of Fate formed in his recently empty palm. Continuing his smooth motion, his finger seems to already be pulling back before the trigger has even formed. It responds in the same motion as the gun jerks in his hand and splinters through her unsuspecting back." Lelial collapses forward onto her elongated knees as darkness seems to pull into her, then radiate out, then repeat like a sickening heartbeat. The darkness begins to bleed from around her body onto the floor as her hands reach up and claw at her gaping chest in a futile panic. Thick, barbed threads of fate pour out from the wound and spiral in and around her body. She seems to be desperately fighting against it but it is very obviously a losing battle taking all of her concentration to barely slow the spread.


William Blake lowers the gun to his hip, though it remains pointed forward at the ready. Thin, black veins appear to have begun encroaching around the corners of his eyes reaching forward towards his pupils. His familiar, sarcastic smirk appears once more as he glances towards Dash. "Sorry kid. I did want to believe in you. I wanted to see if you could manage to pull off something different. Fighting against Fate itself? That's a fight I'll sign up to watch. But I've lived long enough to see a hopeless cause and, in the only survive if you pick the winning team. You had spirit, but never quite understood the key to survival. Can't fault you, I myself faltered. But hey, thanks for the chance to redeem myself. I won't make that mistake again."   The dark lines around William Blake's eyes continues to pour forward, drenching the white of his eyes in darkness. He keeps the Hand of Fate trained on the group as his left hand raises towards the sky. You watch as his feet slowly begin to raise up off of the ground as he floats effortlessly into the air. Dash's Fateweaving showed the fiery threads of Orgeneous wrapping into the symbol around him, his arms held by the horizontal infinity sign while his head and torso remained in the top and legs in the bottom. He immediately trained a gun on Kyra and spoke to Dash with his voice jumping from his Southern Drawl to a deep, gravely resonance.  "Now, nobody move or do anything stupid as we wait for our...reinforcements to arrive. This old tumor has been bubbling on the flesh of this new universe long enough. Time to destroy that stupid fucking tree and bring all my boys back into the fight. You just hold tight now and maybe I can use my new sway as one of his Chosen to let some of you go."


Alicia immediately ran behind the throne and hid while Yuka ran towards the side. Li ran up to Lelial, kneeling on the ground, and sliced his hand before holding it against her wrong to try and help her resist the spreading tendrils of Fate. Jason dropped Ladi and rushed over to help by giving her his nanites to help heal. Kyra ran up behind Jason, William's gun trained on her the entire way.   Rose took a bold move and walked over to kneel before Orgeneous/William Blake, seemingly uncertain herself whether she was actually siding with him or tricking him to side with the party. Dash ran over behind Lelial, tossing the Seed of Ydrissil to Li as he did so. Mark fired an arrow and pierced William, though he immediately started healing the wound. Chiara ran, jumped off the throne, and slid behind William Blake. Li began to sacrifice himself and shred his own flesh and mind to pull the corruption tendrils from Lelial into the Seed. He almost killed himself and cracked open the seed, but it seemed to be successful.   William spoke loudly. "I really wasn't sure what side you'd land on, Mark. I was hoping you'd have chosen the winning side and I could have brought you along with me. Ah well, I have no use for your kind. Tasteless morsels. No purpose, no drive, no desire to consume or spread or propagate. Pointless. Be gone." He held up one of the detonators for the C4 that had been found in the Colony Ship's mining supplies and triggered it.   Too late, realization of what William had really been doing earlier to Mark dawned on them as the bomb planted in Mark's back split him in half and wrecked the Throne Room. Jason wrapped himself around Kyra to save her as he, Li, and Dash tried to scramble/dive to safety as the explosion caught them. Ladi, dropped nearby clutching his oxygen tank, was caught by the bomb and his oxygen tank exploding and killed.   With Kyra in Jason's arms, Dash rushed forward towards William Blake. Blake shot at Kyra, but the bullet hit Jason instead. Dash jumped into the air over Rose's head and poured all of himself and every ounce of power and understanding about Fateweaving he had into a punch to not kill William Blake, but rather knock him out of Orgeneous' embrace and take his place in the fiery threads. With Dash's shout of "I AM ZEUS!" in memory of Guru Kevin, William Blake tumbled out of the Fate Threads to the ground below. Jason rushed over his stunned body muttering about being the Chosen One and that he will survive, ignited his Vibroblade, and arced the blade through William Blake's neck and the floor alike.   Lelial pushed herself up from her knees, reached down to Li, and thanked him deeply for saving her from Orgeneous' corruption. She poured her darkness around her fingertips and pressed it against his forehead, blessing him with the Blessing of the Night. She then shouted out that they must hurry and open the portal to escape, she will try to hold off the Seraphim they heard getting closer and closer on the stairs. She extended her arm to form her Blade of Darkness and flew towards the Stairs.   Meanwhile, Dash remained trapped and screaming in pain (mostly screaming "pineapple") in the tendrils as Fate attempted to override his mind and force his acceptance. His last act before being bound was to make the Symbol visible to all. Kyra patched up the injured Li and she, Li, Jason called out memories of them together to try and anchor him. Rose reached up to try and help interact with the Fate threads that didn't burn her but offered her power in exchange for her service. She rejected Fate's bargain. Jason rushed forward and plunged his hand into the threads to help anchor Dash and try to pull him out. Chiara shouted up at him "You aren't getting out of a rematch THAT easily" and made full eye contact with Dash for the first time, allowing her piercing, mutant eyes to pierce into him and allow them both to fully understand one another. She grabbed his other ankle and pulled as well. The fiery threads seared and branded their flesh, burning the hoodie's arm and fur away from Chiara's left arm. Together, with everyone's support of dash anchoring his mind as they pulled him out physically, they ripped him away from the fiery threads and barbs piercing him all over. He slammed to the ground and allowed himself to slip into unconsciousness as the symbol of Orgeneous, tethered to no supplicants, began to fade away.

The Well of Transference

Sounds of incoming Seraphim and the struggle on the stairs grew louder as they approached. Rose and Li ran towards Ydrissil as Kyra and Chiara carried Dash towards the portal. Alicia and Yuka ran towards the portal as well. Jason ran back and grabbed John Roffman and Mark's torso, bringing those back towards the portal at the back of the massive throne room.   Rose stepped forward and grabbed the first orb she was drawn to. She felt her mind pulled towards the consciousness in the orb and saw the shape of the figure within forming and flickering with angelic and human faces before settling on the form, and demeanor, of her mother. The figure simply said "Hello Briar" before she chunked the orb across the room. She rushed back to it, wrapped it up, and hid it in her bag before running for others.   Li ran forward while dumping out his bag to grab multiple at once, grabbed an orb, and sensed the form of a young human botonist, Cherie Tran. She tried to reach out to him, but he quickly shut her down and slammed the orb into place on the portal. He and Rose sensed the corrupted form of Uriel (angel of fire), another human with the nametag of "Roffman", Mark Roffman from the New Horizons. Each was resisted and slammed into the portal to power it. As the Seraphim began cresting the stairs and entering the throne room, they slammed the last orb into place and saw the portal kick to life.

An Activated Portal

"The pool begins to glow from deep within and the waters seems to come alive and churn. You see living images of lands through the portal that feel so close you can touch them all flash by in a blink of an eye as the portal comes to life. Before your eyelid can close in a blink, you see a deep, blue, churning waters. You see darkness and grey as fleks of ash drift up. You see a what appears to be covering of solid stone with 3 glowing, crossed lines and 1 dark line meeting them in the middle. You see a dark open room with rocks and rubble scattered around it. You see the familiar, blinding pure white of Z-Space. You see darkness and stars in the depths of space. You see bubbling magma and feel heat pouring out. As your eyes blink, you see the pool start to solidify. The images seem to continue in that same order, but the rapidness slows until you see each location clearly and solidly for several seconds before the image flashes to the next. You watch as the churning, deep water shifts to the same deep ash."   As the images shifted, Jason grabbed the edge and began pouring his own willpower and overloading his own mind to force an image of the planet New Avon. With it seeming to take everything he had, everyone began to jump into the portal.   Mark's motionless torso was tossed in first. Li jumped in next. Yuka stepped up, surprised Rose with a kiss, and fell into it backwards. Alicia (with Botley) jumped in followed by John Roffman being tossed in. Rose stepped forward into the Portal followed by Chiara after a glance and smile at Jason. Kyra wrapped her arms around Dash and carried him into the Portal. Finally, with Seraphim flooding in, Jason fell into the portal after them all.

Rewards Granted

[Major Milestone] - Stopped Orgeneous' Incursion into Ein Sof
What Hides Behind the Void?
Brier Bellock
Guru Kevin
Tumerian Li Shen
Kyralin Straussedorph
Jason Black - Player Copy-
Savannah Cruise
Dash Reynard
Report Date
01 Feb 2022

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