Gavels Military Formation in The Utopian Revelation | World Anvil
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The Gavels, the elite peacekeeping and military force of the Versian Binderate, operate with a significant number of personnel to ensure the safety, law enforcement, and defense of the 52 core colonized Versian Binderate systems. While the exact numbers may vary, a rough estimate of the Gavels' total personnel numbers can range from several hundred thousand to a few million individuals between the various levels of training, active duty, reserves, support staff, and administrative roles. The Gavels play a crucial role in maintaining peace, upholding the laws of the Binderate, and ensuring the safety of its citizens. Their presence and authority serve as a deterrent to crime and provide a sense of security within the core colonized systems of the Versian Binderate.



Field Operations Division

This division is responsible for the day-to-day field operations and patrols and is most commonly what is thought of when the title Gavel is mentioned. Gavels in this division are most commonly deployed in teams of three and function as roaming peacekeepers, investigators, enforcers, and military patrols. They have been personally approved for duty by the Law after enduring rigorous physical and mental training. They travel between towns, passing ships, and space stations within their assigned areas, maintaining law and order, resolving disputes, and ensuring compliance with the laws of the Versian Binderate. Scarely populated planets and single-purpose facilities like self-contained factories and space-stations may have as few as 1 assigned Gavel. Major military operations have seen units of hundreds of Gavels arrive into the battle from hundreds of various assigned patrols. Each conflict has sparked wonder as to how the vast numbers of Gavels could coordinate so smoothly and operate so effectively after years of isolation and a lack of direct oversight or mass-conflict training drills. It is rumored that every Field Operations Division Gavel is physically augmented and modified, though this has not been verified.

Investigations Division

The Investigations Division focuses on conducting in-depth investigations into crimes, security breaches, and any activities that threaten the stability and integrity of the Binderate. These highly trained Gavels specialize in gathering evidence, analyzing data, and apprehending perpetrators. In situations where a swift solution or investigation is not possible by the Field Division, it is generally escalated to one of these highly specialized Gavels to take over the operation so the Field Division's standard duties are not impeded.

Training and Recruitment Division

This division oversees the recruitment and training of new Gavels. They select individuals with exceptional skills and dedication to serve in the Gavels and train them in various combat techniques, law enforcement procedures, and conflict resolution methods. They ensure that the Gavels maintain their high standards of professionalism and proficiency.

Highly Specialized Units

The Gavels may also have specialized units within their organization, such as tactical response teams, cybercrime units, intelligence gathering teams, and hostage negotiation units. These specialized units are deployed for specific missions or to address unique challenges that may arise within the Versian Binderate.


The Gavel Power Suits, with their advanced technology and customized design, provide the Gavels with enhanced capabilities and protection. Overall, the Gavel Power Suits combine the elegance of traditional samurai armor with cutting-edge technology, providing Gavels with formidable combat capabilities and enhanced survivability in their role as enforcers of the law. Here is a description of their infamous power suits:

Customized Design

Each Gavel's Power Suit is tailored to fit their unique physique and combat style. The suits are intricately designed with a fusion of futuristic technology and the aesthetics of feudal Japanese samurai armor, creating a visually striking appearance. Moreso, each suit is bio-coded to its intended wielder. Only the armor's original crafter and the armor's owner can release that bio-lock to allow another specific individual, or anyone capable of wearing it, to do so.

Enhanced Mobility

Despite their heavy and durable construction, the Power Suits are engineered to provide Gavels with increased mobility. Through a combination of advanced joint mechanisms, integrated thrusters, and specialized servos, the suits allow agile movement in both space and terrestrial environments.

AI Integration

Each Gavel is accompanied by an AI companion that interfaces with their Power Suit systems. This AI assists in automating various functions, including monitoring vital signs, regulating suit temperature, analyzing data or body-language in investigations, and optimizing combat performance. It provides real-time analysis and tactical suggestions to enhance the Gavel's effectiveness in combat.

Instant Arsenal of Hard-Light Weaponry

Gavels possess a unique hard-light belt system integrated into their Power Suits. By picturing a melee weapon in their minds, the system generates a hard-light holographic replica of the chosen weapon. This feature allows Gavels to swiftly adapt to different combat scenarios, changing their arsenal on the fly to match the needs of the situation. They are incapable of creating guns in this manner but as the hard-light only starts to dissolve if disconnected after 10 seconds, they are able to create a bow and arrow, spear, or crossbow out of hard-light and have limited low-tech ranged combat capabilities.

Advanced Battle Helmets

The Gavel Battle Helmets are a crucial component of their Power Suits. These helmets are equipped with heads-up displays (HUDs) that provide vital information, tactical data, and situational awareness. Additionally, the helmets incorporate auto-sealing mechanisms to protect against hazardous environments such as gas clouds, flash grenades, and the vacuum of space.


The Gavels primarily use a variety of melee weapons that are formed through their hard-light belt system. These weapons are instantly generated in a hard-light holographic form, allowing Gavels to adapt to different combat situations and switch between weapons on the fly. Here are some examples of the primary melee weapons used by Gavels:
  1. Nanofiber Katana: A sleek and deadly katana constructed from nanofiber materials. The nanofiber katana is exceptionally sharp, lightweight, and durable, making it a lethal weapon in the hands of a skilled Gavel.
  2. Vibroblade: A specialized energy blade that vibrates at high frequencies, enhancing its cutting power. The vibroblade is razor-sharp and capable of slicing through most materials with ease.
  3. Plasma Baton: A staff-like weapon that emits a searing hot plasma blade on either end. The plasma baton can deliver devastating strikes and also be used for defensive maneuvers.
  4. Energy Gauntlets: Gauntlets equipped with energy emitters that create powerful energy blasts upon impact. Gavels can unleash devastating punches or combine their gauntlets for a concentrated energy blast.
  5. Electro-Whip: An electrified whip that delivers both stunning electric shocks and slashing strikes. The electro-whip is versatile, allowing Gavels to control the length and intensity of the electric current.
  6. Naginata: The long-bladed polearm provides a Gavel with sufficient reach and defense alike when needed.
These melee weapons provide Gavels with close-quarters combat capabilities and are specifically designed for their hard-light system. Gavels can adapt their weapon choice based on the situation and their individual combat style, ensuring versatility and effectiveness in their missions as elite peacekeepers and enforcers of the Versian Binderate.


The organizational structure of the Gavels is hierarchical, with the Law serving as the ultimate authority and commander. Here is an overview of the organizational structure, starting from the top:
  1. Law: The Law is the revered and respected leader of the Gavels. They oversee the entire organization, make critical decisions, and set the strategic direction for the Gavels. The Law's identity is shrouded in secrecy, and they are known only by their title.
  2. Judges: The Judges are the council that serves the Law. They are trusted advisors and high-ranking officers responsible for assisting in the decision-making process, providing counsel, and managing the day-to-day operations of the Gavels. They possess vast knowledge and experience in law enforcement and military tactics.
  3. Gavel Captains: Gavel Captains are experienced Gavels who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and tactical prowess. They are assigned to lead and oversee a group of Gavels, providing guidance, training, and coordination in the field.
  4. Gavels: The core members of the organization. They are highly trained peacekeepers, investigators, and combat specialists. Gavels operate in teams of three, forming a cohesive unit that carries out the Gavels' missions. They have undergone rigorous training and received physical augmentation to enhance their abilities.
  5. Gavel Initiates: Gavel Initiates are recruits who are currently undergoing training to become full-fledged Gavels. They are in the final stages of their intensive training process, honing their skills and proving their worthiness to join the ranks of the Gavels. Gavel Initiates work closely with experienced Gavels, learning from their mentorship and guidance.
  It's important to note that the Gavels operate autonomously in their assigned areas, carrying out their duties as roaming patrols and peacekeepers. While they adhere to the overarching structure, each team of Gavels has a degree of independence in executing their missions and maintaining order within their jurisdiction.


In Combat, Gavels typically immediately attempt Disorientation. This usually involves a combination of flash, sonic, or EMP explosives from one operative while the squad repositions. If possible, the squad will always reposition along the Z access as well as X and Y, meaning they will attempt to jet into the air or drop down in combination with their teammates movements.   They will typically move to Disable their enemies. They will typically flank their enemies and attempt to use a combination of ranged and melee to suppress the enemy until the melee team moves in to Disarm the opponents (whether via the weapon or the person's actual arm).   After the enemy is Disarmed, or instead of Disarming them if impossible, they will move to the Defeat tactic. This will involve fully eliminating any opponents that remain standing as efficiently as possible.


The Gavel training process is renowned for its intensity and demanding nature. It is designed to push recruits to their physical and mental limits, preparing them for the arduous tasks they will undertake as elite enforcers of the Versian Binderate. Here is an overview of the rigorous training process:
  1. Physical Conditioning: Gavel recruits undergo grueling physical conditioning, enduring rigorous exercises and training in various gravity environments, ranging from weightlessness (0G) to increased gravity levels (0.5G, 1G, and 2G). This training challenges their bodies, gradually acclimating them to different combat scenarios and environments.
  2. Combat and Tactical Training: Recruits are extensively trained in squad military tactics, learning how to work efficiently as a team and coordinate their actions in combat situations. They undergo simulated battles and live-fire exercises to hone their combat skills, adaptability, and decision-making under pressure.
  3. Procedural Investigation: Gavels receive training in procedural investigation techniques, learning how to gather evidence, analyze crime scenes, and conduct thorough investigations. They are taught to apply logical reasoning and critical thinking to solve complex cases, ensuring justice is served.
  4. Zero-G Mobility and Combat: As space-faring peacekeepers, Gavels must be proficient in zero-gravity mobility and combat. They undergo rigorous training to navigate weightless environments, utilize maneuvering thrusters effectively, and engage in combat scenarios in the vast expanse of space.
  5. Ship Breaching: Gavels are trained in ship breaching techniques, learning how to infiltrate and secure enemy vessels or non-compliant targets. They acquire skills in breaching doors, neutralizing threats, and conducting swift and efficient searches.
  6. Human Physiology and Body Language: To better understand and assess individuals they encounter, Gavels receive training in human physiology and body language. They learn to recognize signs of deception, stress, and aggression, enabling them to effectively interact with suspects and witnesses during investigations and interrogations.
  7. Interrogation Tactics: Gavels are trained in the art of interrogation, developing techniques to extract information from subjects. They learn how to employ psychological manipulation, persuasive questioning, and other interrogation tactics within the boundaries of the law.
  Throughout the training process, recruits are subjected to mental and physical challenges that push them to their limits. It is designed to test their endurance, resilience, and determination. Only those who demonstrate exceptional physical capabilities, unwavering willpower, and the ability to maintain mental stability are considered suitable candidates to become Gavels.   Once recruits have endured and successfully completed the rigorous training process, they undergo physical augmentation in specialized Gavel augmenting facilities. This process enhances their physical attributes, granting them heightened strength, speed, and endurance, further augmenting their capabilities as elite peacekeepers.   Following physical augmentation, recruits are assessed for compatibility with an AI companion. This assessment includes extensive psychological evaluations to ensure they can form a strong and symbiotic bond with their AI partner. The final step involves a day-long exposition before the acting Law, where recruits showcase their mental, physical, and combat prowess, proving their worthiness to become a Gavel. Upon approval, they are assigned their AI companion and receive their customized Gavel armor, solidifying their place as elite enforcers of the Versian Binderate.



The recruitment process for new Gavels is a rigorous and highly selective procedure. The Eyes, leader of the Training Division, takes great care in choosing individuals who possess the necessary qualities and potential to become members of this elite force. The recruitment process can be summarized in the following steps:
  1. Identification of Potential Candidates: The Law and his trusted advisors keep a close eye on individuals who show exceptional skills, unwavering loyalty to the Binderate, and a strong sense of justice. They look for those who exhibit physical prowess, mental resilience, and a deep understanding of the laws and principles of the Versian Binderate.
  2. Initial Screening: Potential candidates undergo an initial screening process, which includes evaluations of their physical fitness, combat abilities, and moral character. This stage helps narrow down the pool of candidates to those who show the most promise.
  3. Comprehensive Assessment: Selected candidates undergo a comprehensive assessment that tests their abilities in various areas, including combat tactics, problem-solving, leadership potential, and adherence to the principles of the Binderate. This stage may involve written examinations, physical tests, simulations, and interviews conducted by experienced Gavels and high-ranking officials.
  4. Training and Conditioning: Successful candidates are then subjected to an intense training and conditioning program that pushes their physical and mental limits. They undergo grueling physical exercises, combat training, tactical simulations, and psychological conditioning to prepare them for the demanding role of a Gavel. This training phase is designed to break them down and build them back up as highly disciplined and unwaveringly loyal enforcers.
  5. AI Compatibility Assessment: As one of the final steps, candidates are evaluated for compatibility with an AI companion. This assessment tests their mental fortitude, adaptability, and compatibility with the AI systems that enhance their combat abilities and provide strategic support. Only those who pass this assessment move forward in the recruitment process.
  6. Approval by the Law: The last step in the recruitment process is the final approval by the Law himself. Candidates who have successfully completed the previous stages must undergo a day-long exposition of their skills, character, and unwavering dedication. The Law personally assesses each candidate and makes the ultimate decision on their suitability to join the ranks of the Gavels.
  The recruitment process for the Gavels is arduous and demanding, ensuring that only the most exceptional individuals are chosen to serve as guardians and enforcers of the Versian Binderate. It is a process that tests not only their physical and mental capabilities but also their unwavering loyalty to the Law and the principles of duty, honor, and justice.


The founding of the Gavels by The Law is a legendary tale of loyalty and unwavering devotion. Over a century ago, during a time of great turmoil and conflict within the Versian Binderate, the Law found himself facing overwhelming opposition from rival factions and external threats. The situation seemed dire, and The Law realized he needed a dedicated force that could stand by his side and enforce the law of the Binderate with unwavering loyalty.   In this critical moment, a group of brave individuals emerged, pledging their allegiance to the Law and offering their services as his personal guardians and enforcers. These individuals, known as the founding Gavels, were true believers in the Law's cause of Honor, Duty, and Self-Sacrifice for the greater good and were willing to go to any lengths to protect and serve him.   The Law recognized their unwavering loyalty and saw the potential in their exceptional skills and unwavering resolve. He embraced their offer and formed the Gavels as the elite force within the Versian Binderate.   Since then, the Gavels have become an integral part of the Versian Binderate's power structure, serving as the Law's most trusted and formidable enforcers. They are the embodiment of loyalty, discipline, and unwavering dedication to duty.   The story of the founding Gavels and their unwavering loyalty serves as a powerful reminder of the bond between the Law and his elite fighting force. It is a testament to the enduring legacy of the Gavels and their pivotal role in upholding the values and principles of the Versian Binderate.


The Long Arm of the Law

The Gavels' jurisdiction extends across the core colonized systems, and they have the authority to enforce the law wherever they go. This aspect emphasizes their role as roaming peacekeepers and judges, symbolizing their ability to bring justice to even the most remote corners of the Binderate.

Guardians of Justice

The Gavels embody the concept of justice and act as the protectors of law and order within the Versian Binderate. This aspect represents their commitment to upholding the principles and values of the Binderate's legal system.

Elite Training and Augments

The Gavels undergo rigorous training and possess exceptional skills in combat, investigation, and conflict resolution. This aspect highlights their expertise and proficiency in various areas, making them formidable agents of the law.  

Feared and Respected

The Gavels command respect and inspire fear due to their reputation for unwavering dedication, swift actions, and uncompromising pursuit of justice. This aspect reflects the impact they have on the citizens of the Binderate, instilling both a sense of security and a cautious awareness of their authority.  

Backbone of the Versian Binderate

The Gavels serve as a symbol of the Binderate's values and principles. This aspect represents their affiliation with the Binderate and their unwavering loyalty to its cause. It also signifies their embodiment of the Binderate's cultural identity and the weight of responsibility they carry in representing their government.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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