Court of Scavs Faction: "The Blades" Organization in The Utopian Revelation | World Anvil
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Court of Scavs Faction: "The Blades"

The Court of Scavs is formed into four separate factions, each made up of families, ships, assets, and individuals. The Blades are known for their skill and often their experience in combat. They are the Faction in charge of defense of the Hersperus Nebula "Graveyard".   Their members tend towards killers and combatants and often form Mercenary Units which can be found all across the Galaxy. This tends to be their primary source of income as the cost of a berth for a mercenary unit in the Hersperus Nebula "Graveyard" is a share of the profits gained under the Court of Scavs's aid. They are also known to be a source of reputable, experienced assassins among certain circles and are rumored to make an even larger part of their profits from that enterprise.

Public Agenda

Use "direct and violent solutions" to bring profit back to the Court

Killers are just Mercenaries that haven't found a Purpose yet


Never raise your blade for Free when someone will pay you to do it
When you fight fair, you've already lost
Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

Aligned Goals

The Blades and Mades tend to get along well as they are both focused on working towards the mutual defense of the Hersperus Nebula "Graveyard".

Faction of Burden

While no factions of the Court of Scavs enjoys the burden of the Frayed, they each work in mutual understanding that they care for their outcasts as at their root, the Court itself is comprised of the outcasts of other societies.

Mutual Defense (?)

The inherent subterfuge of the Shades has caused rifts between the Blades and Shades for years, though they both operate in defense of the Hersperus Nebula "Graveyard" which gives them common goals.

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