Kerry Pieterson Character in The United Commonwealth of the United Kingdom and Her Colonies | World Anvil
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Kerry Pieterson


Lieutenant Colonel Kerry Lienke Pieterson (a.k.a. The Bitch)

The 3rd officer of the 1st Solent Rifles; Kerry Pieterson is an interesting character: both sardonic and light, caring but brutal. She was the commanding officer of the 506th PIR, 11th CAA, when it met an unfortunately sticky end in the Singapore Salient against the Tarquin. An event that was traced back to Kerry ordering her regiment to a position from which there was no easy escape. This callousness lead to her being stripped of rank, court marshalled and imprisoned for 25 years. However, she was rescued by Macgregor from her jail cell in Las Vegas, because he had information that cleared her, he needing her experience.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin, prison lead her to shedding most of her muscle mass, but healthy.

Apparel & Accessories

Standard Solent Uniform but without sword despite fighting the furies as part of her punishment she lost that honour.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to an Xhosan descent mother and an Afrikaans descent father, you couldn't get much more South African then Kerry Pieterson. Having had a quiet childhood, living on the colony of Johannesburg, in the South African sector, Kerry enrolled on the Xhosan literature course at Praetoria University. She completed her degree with a 2.1 with honours. She had decided to join the army in the final year of her degree, intending on becoming an intelligence officer, information processing being something she was particularly good at. She, somehow, ended up working for the American light infantry regiment, the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, as 

In the end, she did do the S-2 job at company and regt levels.  By 2975, Pieterson had become the commander of the entire regiment. In all her prospects, were looking extremely good.

And then she made the fatal error. Whilst defending the planet of Madina, in the colony of Accra, she allowed herself to be backed into a literal corner, and her regiment massacred. She was arrested, and court-martialled. The result was that Pieterson, was stripped of rank, DSO, and sentenced to 25 years imprisonment.
Kerry Pieterson circa 2975

Due to her previous working relationship with Richard Bartlett , formed when their respective regiments were defending the African Supersector, when Alastair Macgregor and Richard were looking for the commander of 3rd Battalion Richard suggested Kerry, as the last he had heard of her she had been promoted to the 2iC of the 506th. This would be a slight demotion but it would only be temporary.

Upon discovering her fate, Alastair still accepted her on as a problem case, though the Adjutant General's Corps were extremely angry because she had only served 3 and a half years, as she had the experience that he needed as a career light infantry line officer.

Gender Identity





Military Academy, Johannesburg
Praetoria University, Xhosan Language and Catechoic History


Appointment and Unit. (Rank and approx time held)

  Prison (Stripped of rank, 3 years, 3 months)
Commanding Officer 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment; (Brevet Colonel 1 Year)
2iC 506th PIR (Lieutenant Colonel 3 Years)
S-3 506th PIR (Lieutenant Colonel, 2 years)
Adjutant 506th PIR (Major, 2 Years)
S-2 506th PIR (Major, 1 Year, 6 months.)
Officer Commanding A Coy; 1st Batt; 506th PIR (Major, 4 years.)
2iC 3rd Coy; 4th Batt; 506th PIR (Captain, 1 year, 9 months)
S-2 3rd Coy; 4th Batt; 506th PIR (1st Lieutenant, 3 years)
Platoon Commander 2nd Platoon; 9th Coy; 3rd Batt; 506th PIR (2nd Lt- 1st Lt 3 Years, 6 months)

Commissioned: 6/3/2960
Degree completed: 19/6/2959

Accomplishments & Achievements

List of Awards for Gallantry and Service.

DSM (2965, removed 2976)
Purple Heart*
9 General Service Medals (2961, 2962, 2964, 2965, 2967, 2967, 2968, 2970, 2974)

Failures & Embarrassments

Was imprisoned, for only 3 years and 3 months of her 25-year term, due to a massacre of soldiers under command due to, an alleged, blatant disregard of orders. About 1200 soldiers were killed or 2/3rds of regiment strength in a single action.

Mental Trauma

Untreated PTSD from the massacre. Slight nervous twitch in left hand.

Intellectual Characteristics

Approaches problems like they are brick walls to break down.


Religious Views



Distinct Afrikaans Accent, high pitched.
Lieutenant Colonel Tab by Myself
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lieutenant Colonel Kerry Pieterson
3iC, 1st Solent Rifles; Commanding Officer, 3rd Battalion  
Serial Number
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
2937 CE 45 Years old
Johannesburg Colony, Gauteng Subsector, South African Sector, African Supersector
Current Residence
Dark Brown, Almost Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Skin
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Catechoic
Character Prototype
Charlize Theron in fury road

Cover image: by Myself


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