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The Umbral Sanctuary The Realm of the Lost

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Also, known as The Lost Realm, It is Hidden deep within the Plane of Shadows, one does not simply enter nor leave this realm. Once ancient Dread Domain, a huge Demiplane that existed to enact suffering on those that inhabited it, caught in an endless cycle of death and destruction. The realm was released from this horrific cycle, and transformed into something different, something more, A unique and massive plane of existence, connected to many different worlds and universes, all having an influence on its progression over the millenniums.   A realm that draws in those that are lost, some never find their way back. Adventurers and explorers often stumble into the realm by accident, trapped wandering its lands, sometimes for months, only to return to their bewildered companions hours or days after they initially vanished. Many returned with tall tales of dark mountain trails and having to survive against the Yetis that hunted them. Most did not believe their tales, mocking their stories by calling them, Yeti Hunters.   While the realm is deep within the Plane of Shadow and initially formed from its essence, the realm has grown immensely. It is linked and influenced by all the other planes and has aspects of them throughout. It is not just a dark and dreary place like the plane of shadows, it has color and life.

Get lost in the Realm

Find yourself by exploring this dark world and uncover its hidden mysteries.   The Shadowlord: The Ring of the Shadowlords - Ascaros - The Guardian Shadow - Dark Sanctum   Past Shadowlords: Stephanie Balthrea - Nelos Nightfall -
Originally created as a joke and explanation for why friends could not make DnD game sessions. Saying they were off yeti hunting as an excuse why they still got to level up with the rest of the party. It has evolved into an entirely unique world.   Influences from both the pathfinder setting and forgotten realms setting can be found throughout and references to people places and entities from both settings are everywhere, the two settings exist in parallel within my world and travelers from both inhabit the land.
Common Terms Shadowfell - Plane of Shadow.   Underdark - Immense series of caverns and underground worlds that exist deep within many planets and planes.

Explore my World and Follow the journy we take as i create it.


Stories and Books

The Legend of Lady Balthrea
