Session 4: The Battle of Nova Aera Report in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Session 4: The Battle of Nova Aera

General Summary

As morning dawned on the massive city Nova Aera, the entire city was stirring. Very much so in the Sleepy Bastard tavern, where adventurers gather their equipment and were either preparing for battle or preparing to leave. In the crowded tavern, a group is formed that answered the call of the Captain of the City Guard Drakishk Sharpspear. This group consisted of: Thomas Torkenmad the Human Cavalier of the Order of the Dragon, Ska the Lizardfolk Slayer, Inigo the Catfolk Bard, Shinecatcher the Gnome Alchemist, Vlad the Elf Rogue, and Gwendolynd the Elf Druid and her large pet wolf.
  They look at the currently busy notice board, which is filled with requests for adventurers' aid. They quickly learn that the attacking force was an army of cyclopses, a race that for many thousands of years had lived dispersed since the fall of their empire over 10 000 years ago. The group grabs a notice requesting aid down in Undertown, by none other than Vossaya Divri, the duchess of Undertown. The deep underground tunnel network that leads in and out of the underground district also have tunnels that lead out of Nova Aera, and the duchess fears that these will be used by the cyclopses to invade the city. When they arrive at the designated tunnel entrance, they find a crowd of annoyed citizens. After Shinecatcher tried to intimidate one of the duergar in the crowd, who knocked him out, the group made their way to the center of the crowd. The people turned out to have been crowded around three people; a well-dressed dwarven man, an albino ratfolk, and a drider, as well as some drow soldiers clad in dark armor. They approach the three people who turned out to be the Undertown Ambassador Helman Gutrikson, Coin-Master of the Rodere Bank Thockna Silverstreak, and lastly the Duchess herself Vossaya Divri. The three of them inform the group that they were currently discussing the possibility of collapsing the tunnel, to the dismay of the citizens who lived along the tunnel. The plan had been to detonate the tunnel further in, past the point where people still lived, but since reports of cyclops soldiers having attacked some houses further in, the leaders of Undertown didn't dare to risk their soldiers being attacked along the way. The group instead volunteered to do it. They entered the tunnel, which looked more akin to a city-street than a tunnel. When they approached the edge of Nova Aeran civilization they faced off with a contingent of cyclopses. After defeating the brutes and setting off the magical detonation they headed back, where the duchess and the denizens of the tunnel thanked them endelssly.
  As the group headed up the stairs and left Undertown, they heard cries from the walls of the city above. They rushed to help man the walls, but to everyone's surprise, the foe had pulled back and stopped firing their crossbows towards the Nova Aeran troops. Instead, they started chanting and made way for something big. The ground shook as a huge, hoofed cyclops lumbered towards the walls of the city. The group quickly realized that the brute would easily break through the wall. They started to bicker on how they would deal with this threat. However, they didn't have time to act before Ska leaped of the wall and ran headfirst towards the cyclops. The lizardfolk managed to get its attention and started to lead it back towards the army of cyclopses. He didn't get far, however, as the army opened fire at him to stop him from misleading their siege breaker. The crossbow bolts hailed upon the poor lizardfolk who didn't really stand a chance against the overwhelming firepower of the enemy force. Ska died in the rain of bolts and the giant cyclops turned its attention back to the city. As the group continued their bickering, all except Thomas. Emboldened by his comrade's heroic attempt, he jumped down the wall and charged the foe. The rest of the group stood and watched as Thomas ran straight towards the monster, sword and shield raised for combat. The two clashed and, to everyone's surprise, the cavalier not only held his own, but he was actually beating the huge beast. Upon seeing this the rest of the group joined him in combat, but when they reached him the battle was nearly over. As their monster fell the enemy army fell back beyond the southern hills. Inigo approached the cavalier, raised his hand, and announced him to all the onlookers on the walls of Nova Aera as their champion and savior. The stunned city-guards and adventurers cheered as the foe withdrew and the battle was won. 
  The group reentered the city and were approached by Drakishk Sharpspear, captain of the city guard, who greeted and thanked them. He then asked them to take on a special mission, to prevent a new attack. He asked them to travel through the western jungle south and around the army, to strike at their leaders. The group agreed and soon headed out the southwestern gates. They traveled long and along the way they met a old tengu woman. Sarai Chezzu, a tengu druid who joined them in their mission. As they traveled through grippli infested territory, they faced traps that almost took the life of Shinecatcher, who barely made it with only the loss of an ear. They also found a mystical pillar. Inigo, Vlad and Shinecatcher tried to investigate it to no avail. It didn't seem to fill any purpose. As they left, Shinecatcher tossed a bomb over his shoulder, which hit the pillar, knocking it over. When the pillar fell and cracked, its dark denizen emerged. A Vrolikai Demon, an extremely powerful creature that almost killed the group in its entirety. They did manage to escape, however, and at last made it to the cyclops army's camp. There they managed to find the leaders of the army, five former adventurers who had worked out of the same tavern as the group. They had apparently assembled the army in an attempt to take control of the city and rule it with the might of their army. The group managed to defeat them, but chose to spare them. The enemy adventurers promised to disperse their army and leave the city for good and in exchange left their valuables with the group. They then returned to the city where they were celebrated as heroes.

Rewards Granted

The Tunnels
  • Lantern of Revealing
The Battle
  • Bag of Holding
  • Lion Cloak
The Mission
  • Oathbow (Longbow)
  • Mithral Full Plate
  • Flametounge (Longsword)
  • Gloves of Arrow Snatching
Adventures of Nova Aera and Other One-Shots
Thomas Torkelmad
10-Level Cavalier
10-Level Slayer
Sarai Chezzu
10-Level Druid
10-Level Bard
Report Date
21 Oct 2018
Primary Location


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