Office of Military Intelligence Organization in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Office of Military Intelligence

The Imperial Office of Military Intelligence (High Draecovian: Ksre. Heeren-Amtium deren suntervesen, the KRHS) is the military intelligence agency of the Imperial Army of Draecovia. Its incumbent Legate-Director is Lieutenant General Almeric Wylten.


The KRHS is organised under the Imperial Army Intelligence Command Echelon, which is the reporting unit responsible for delegating orders and conducting large-scale operations for the army leadership. In terms of scope, the KRHS is the largest of the Intelligence Command Echelon’s constituent units and has a marked significance in that it oversees the so-called Star Tower, which is the governing body of the Red, Black, and White Cohorts: three highly classified divisions of the Imperial Army.

On an operational level, the KRHS is similar to other military state organisations of Draecovia. It is a sprawling bureaucracy with an almost ritualistic adherence to security protocols. Like the rest of the Imperial civil and military apparatus, the KRHS utilises the advanced daktylograf and taltengram, which renders their communication nearly instant across long distances, though the KRHS itself is suspected of spearheading new research on this matter.

The Empire is secret.
Secrecy is our survival.

OMI shield patch.png

The shield patch used by the KRHS.

Military, Intelligence
Parent Organization
Notable Members