Azata Species in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Azatas are a race of benevolent celestials native to the plane of Elysium. Azatas are champions of freedom and goodness, and choose to travel the planes helping creatures in need and battling evil. Azatas do not believe that evil can be completely destroyed by methodical campaigns, instead devoting themselves to showing up where they are needed most, do their best to help, then promptly leave.  


Even though some think of azatas as the most elf-like of the celestial races, many of them have animal, elemental, or even stranger features and body parts.  


Azatas are formed from the joy and beauty of Elysium and the constant supply of goodly petitioners from the Material Plane. Like most outsiders, they cannot procreate with each other or with mortals, but will happily engage in short-lived relationships with them. Azatas are always looking for those of kind hearts and light spirits, and seek companionship among them whenever they can, but never for very long.  


Their archon cousins call them flighty, but azatas view this approach as more realistic. They are also independent creatures, and rarely travel in large groups. Instead, they prefer sating their social needs by gathering from time to time around a well-known landmark, where they set up tents, share stories, and sing songs for a few days before packing it all up again and going their separate ways. These gatherings are often spontaneous with the azatas seemingly just knowing when one of these meeting is about to occur. A few of the bigger gatherings do meet regularly but this is not the norm.  

Promoting good

The primary goal of azata society is to promote freedom and joy throughout the Great Beyond. They understand that these virtues cannot be enforced, but must spontaneously arise, and therefore prefer to act more as advisors than take direct action to confront evil and unyielding law. This allows the people they are helping to achieve their goals on their own, and not depend on the constant aid of celestials. When the forces of evil, particularly fiends, become involved directly in mortal affairs, however, azatas are not afraid to get their hands dirty and fight for those who are unable to defend themselves.   Because many azatas have strong personalities and believe in the virtue of free personal expression, they often disagree with one another about the best method to accomplish their goals. These disagreements can sometimes even grow into long-standing grudges, where an individual azata will refuse to help rather than abandon her strongly-held belief.  


Many azatas hold noble titles such as "count" or "prince", but it is unclear if these are ceremonial or refer to some kind of ancient monarchy that was abandoned long ago. What is certain is that they use them primarily for identification or perhaps inflate their egos a bit, and never to pull rank over another creature.  


Most azatas speak Celestial, Draconic, and Infernal, but can communicate with nearly any creature via truespeech.


Outsider (Celestial)
 Chaotic Good
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution

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