Letter of Thanks to a Local Mortician Document in The Truth Saga | World Anvil

Letter of Thanks to a Local Mortician

During her research into The Controller, his clouded past and the towns across the country that he seemed to be operating through, Angela Silverheart discovered a letter filed in the records of the local hospital morgue in Hollinhythe.   Though the letter itself seemed unremarkable st first glance, something about it piqued her interest. A little digging showed that the morgue had been sending bodies with "unusual properties" to an anonymous client in exchange for large sums of money, and Angela was fairly certain this person was The Controller.   The significance of this discovery sent ripples through the Controller's experimentees. IF this letter was truly written by the Controller, it contains the first known instance of his real name that any have found thusfar.
Text, Letter
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
July 16th 1994


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