Prostitute Profession in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Prostitution is somewhat of a gray area in many countries. It is usually banned outside certain heavily policed buildings or areas, though in some areas it is still practiced openly, just not controlled that much. Many European nations will allow it to be practiced in brothels or bawdy houses, either outside the town or city limits (even outside the walls in some areas). Other times brothels are found near or in areas where travellers regularly pass through. This can be at certain inns & taverns at waypoints or at docks. Anywhere else it is strictly controlled, and both parties can be arrested, imprisoned or fined normally. A rare few cases the prostitute will be marked in some way to deter her (or even his) clientele from hiring the prostitute. This can take the form of tattoos, scarification, or branding. Sometimes the prostitutes will make the most of these marks to make her johns think she has been in the 'game' for some time, and experienced. Anyone acting as a pimp outside of a brothel or bawdyhouse could easily be jailed, suffer from public humiliation, or driven out of the region. In a few cases prostitutes could be found plying their trade in bath houses, and both the bath houses & brothels / bawdyhouses may have a standing arrangement of who can operate where, when and how much for a prostitute's service.


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