Memphis Settlement in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Memphis is a large city in Egypt close to Giza (12 miles south of the latter), and on the west bank of the Nile. It was the capital of the Old Kingdom, and has many temples of which is now lying either partially ruined or completely ruined. It is part of the Lower Nile region of the Old Kingdom. Like Thebes, Memphis lost it's influence, and a good portion of it's inhabitants when the Romans invaded, and moved the power centres to Alexandria.   The remains of the Grand Temple of Ptah, as well as the Temples of Ptah of Ramses II, Ptah of Sekhmet and Ramses II, and Ptah of Merneptah, and also the Temple of of Hathor can all be found here. Also, many other temples are found here, including a few to other non-Old Kingdom religions. Statues of Ramses II, the Memphite Necropolis, and royal palaces are found here, along with remains of craftsman buildings, arsenals, and dockyards.   The remains are sometimes looted by less savoury elements, and some speak that curses & undead seek to punish the foolish who would do such things. Certain sources recommend leaving the ruins alone, and if investigated, they should be as disturbed as little as possible, and any lingering spirits should be appeased with prayer, and offerings.
Large city


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