Jerusalem Settlement in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


The city of Jerusalem has been in existence since the 4th Millennium BC and started out like other settlements as a small town / village. There is definite signs of it in the Bronze Age.  Originally Canaanite in origin it was eventually conquered by King David and the Israelites, and from there it grew. The South Eastern Hill part of the city is known as the City of David now. The Israelite Temple was built, and then when it was took over by the Macedonians, it was rebuilt after it was demolished. This led to the second Temple. The Romans eventually invaded, and the city remained for a few centuries under their control. At this time the Romans tried to force their own religious ideals on the locals, who revolted and the Second Temple was destroyed, and the Jewish community largely dispersed. Before this Christianity sprang up, first as a cult, then becoming a major player. Many Jews remained in the area, and eventually the city came under Egyptian / Arabic rule. When Islam took over in the Arabic world, the majority religion became this. The mosque called the Temple of the Mount was built. Since this time, Jew, Muslim, and Christian generally live together with little conflict, though there is is the odd minor flare up. It was controlled by the Umayyads, and now by the Abbasids.   The city of Jerusalem is highly important to the Abrahamic religions, and many (especially Christian & Jew) make pilgrimages to the city. The tomb of Jesus is held in the city, and watched over by local priests. The wall of the Second Temple is a place of pilgrimage for many Jews where they pray regularly at. The Muslims in their turn, make pilgrimages to the Temple of the Mount, as this to them is the second most important site in all of Islam, where Mohammed ascended to Heaven with Jesus, after the former's death.   People come and go here, visiting it for religious purposes, and to travel further into the Middle East. There is always stories here, concerning elements revolving religion. Some say parts of the cross from the crucifixion can be found here, the Ark of the Covenant is buried somewhere, the spear that pierced Jesus' side is somewhere too, as well as the crown of thorns. Rumours that the area outside the city called Megiddo will be the place for the final battle between good and evil. Others, that the region is so suffused with mystical energy that there are other treasures here waiting to be found, and spiritual energy to be tapped too.


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