Injury - Battle & Environmental in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Injury - Battle & Environmental

With wartime & battle injuries, these come in a few varieties. The most common, are caused by bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, freezing, poison, and fire injuries. Most are caused by the weapons used in combat and a few are caused by the nature of battle, and the environment.   Most bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing injuries is caused by weapons. Depending on the weapon used, these cause one type or another, and sometimes a secondary type of injury.   Bludgeoning weapons cause injury over a wide area of the body, and with enough force can rupture organs, break bone, cause the victim to be winded or concussed or similar damage. A few are designed with points to channel the energy of a blow into a smaller point or points of contact. The effect is just the same, while minor piercing or slashing can occur too, depending on the angle of the blow. Most piercing damage is caused by weapons that are finely built in nature or similar, and work by sliding deep into the enemies body, rupturing vital organs. Though not necessarily highly dangerous in itself, if used correctly will hit vital organs and rapid bleedout. Some are tipped in poison, effluence, dirt or other noxious substances, causing secondary damage through poisoning and/or sickness. Arrows are commonly wielded this way. Very little other damage types are caused by these weapons as the nature of them makes slashing attacks a secondary option but doing little damage otherwise. Slashing weapons are the most flexible in this way. Primarily designed to cause excessive bleeding from deep cuts, of wielded with enough force or weight, can cause rupturing of organs, breaking of bones, or even amputation / decapitation.. Many swords of this kind, or the back of the axes, have a point to allow for piercing strikes as well. Cuts, broken teeth & bones, eye damage & loss, ear loss, punctured organs, and missing fingers & hands.   Fire is a common hazard on many battlefields. Sometimes the weapons are set on fire to cause extra damage, and some siege weapons are used specifically to deliver payloads set on fire or to cause nothing but fire damage. Sometimes parts of the battlefield is either set on fire deliberately, or accidentally during a fight or battle. This causes burns to the victim and can effectively 'cook' the victim if the fire doesn't hit them directly. Burns are caused to the skin, with it going from 1st to 4th degree burns. 1st degree burns are minor and the upper layer of skin, 2nd degree burns have penetrated deep into the skin requiring some monitoring afterwards to prevent more injury & pain. 3rd degree burns have basically gotten down to the deepest part of the skin and are serious enough that secondary damage is almost assured, and the risk of infection into the body is almost guaranteed unless treated. 4th degree burns are the worst, where there is no skin left and damage to the underlying organs is regular too. The victim is almost guaranteed to pass away after this. There is also the risk of hyperthermia, where the victim's body heats up too fast, and they can't control it. Death comes swiftly with this, unless cooled down quicker.   Freezing is a common injury type. This can be found when the victim's body, at least the extremities, are attacked by the cold. The person's body cools down too fast and cause hypothermia too, though if fast enough it acts like suspended animation, with a bit of damage. Any cooling of the body or parts of it causes frostbite. This leads to the cells of the body rupturing & dying due to the water turning to ice. It is common in frostbite for fingers, toes, and sometimes the whole hand or foot to freeze, die, and need amputated. Sometimes the nose or earlobes suffer from this too.   Poison comes in many different forms. Many come from plants, animals, microbes, and fungi, with more coming from inorganic compounds. When discovered it can be processed into a useable form and either applied to a weapon, or mixed in such a way that it can be breathed, imbibed, or ate. Each toxic substance acts differently, with some affecting the circulatory system, the nervous system, the digestive system, or any number of ways. The people of the 9th Century doesn't understand germ theory, yet knows that diseased bodies, and effluence can cause disease in others so can use these as a source too. They can also use these as an early form of biological warfare.   Certain environmental factors can cause injury too. Falling or being caught in a rockslide can cause bludgeoning damage, while certain animals can cause this too. Many animals have claws, teeth, or horns or similar, while plants can have spikes or thorns, causing slashing or piercing damage. Many of these are dirty too allowing for disease to set in, and some have poison stingers of cilia that inject poisons. Others are toxic if handled and/or ate too. Certain regions can have detrimental effects too, like Artic & mountainous regions can cause freezing temperatures, and many deserts can cause hyperthermia and sunburn, or causing similar injuries.


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