Huscarl Military Formation in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Huscarls are retainers, elite fighters and administrators to many Germanic peoples, especially in Saxon, Norwegian and Danish regions. They have regions terms too, such as the Hirdmen in Norway, húskarl (plural: húskarlar) in Swedish, and the heimþegi (pl. heimþegar) in Danish.   Besides acting as administrators and non-military roles, such as advisors and the like to their lieges, they act as shock troops and elite bodyguards as well. They are well trained, with the arms and armour to back up their training. When in peace time they act as tax collectors and managed land granted to them by their leaders. Their land holdings are small, and are paid regularly for their services.   On the battlefield they are regularly assembled into their own units, clad in mail, with conical nasal helmets, and Dane-Axes.


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