Byeshk Material in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Byeshk is a shiny purple metal not from Earth. It is mined on the world of Eberron, along the western mountains of Khorvaire. The Goblins & Orcs of old Khorvaire mined and used it to fashion weapons in which to drive of the abberants that they regularly clashed with. The weapons they used were usually bludgeoning weapons, that played to the dense nature of Byeshk.   Traces of it has been found on Earth, usually in the form of items, ingots, or mined ore, that somehow made their way through a portal. The local smiths of Earth have little skill in manufacturing items from this material. Orcs, goblins & dwarves have had some success, compared to other races. Even then, there is generally way too little available to truly learn how to work it correctly.   It is sought after by a few specialists. They use it in the combatting of abberants and their destruction.


Material Characteristics

Byeshk is a strange colour, it is silvery purple, both as an ore, and also as pure. The sheen of the purple becomes stronger when polished. It is denser than most known metals, making it perfect for certain weapons, especially bludgeoning & to a degree slashing weapons.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Byeshk is denser than steel, almost as much as adamantium. It has a strange property that it acts like a standard magic weapon when deployed against abberants. Why this should be is not well known. It is likely caused by the energies that surround & flow through abberants have seeped into the mountains where it is found. This could well describe the change in colour as well, warpingordinary iron into it.

Geology & Geography

The western mountains of Khorvaire, on the world of Eberron.

Origin & Source

Not understood, though seems to be the energies relating to abberants having an effect on the iron below Khorvaire.

History & Usage


It has only recently been discovered in any shape on Earth in the past five to ten years. This came about by items & equipment being brought back through a portal by adventurers, and a few inhabitants of Eberron coming through themselves.


The Goblins & Orcs of Eberron were the first to discover it in Eberron's distant past.

Everyday use

Making weapons to slay abberants is the main use. It can, though, be used to make any other metal item or object, including armour.

Cultural Significance and Usage

To the Goblins & Orcs of Eberron it is a symbol of past glories, and the possibility of glories to come.
"We must keep those Blood Claw Orcs from that chest of Byeshk ingots. If they work out how to use it, it could spell disaster for this world. They're nothing like the Orcs from back home, they're savages here.. They will use it to make weapons, driving any abberants towards the larger population centres. Then rip apart what's left with those same weapons."   Vardal N'ung, Paladin of the Silver Flame upon discovering a lost shipment of Byeshk ingots on Earth. He had followed it through with a squad of Silver Flame fighters & a few Goblin scouts. None survived their encounter.


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