Blood Cults - The Blooded Teeth
Many cults have risen and fallen over the years. One bunch of cults that are notorious is the Blood Cults, groups who regularly spill blood. One in particular is feared more than others, the Blooded Teeth.
The cult consists of religious fanatics who worship vampires in all their unholy glory. The members themselves are primarily human or humanoids of different ethnicities & class levels, though all are bound by their voracious thirst for blood. Many practice blood rituals, usually involving ritual bathing in or drinking of blood. A few practice cannibalism too, while some also make sacrifices too. All such cults view the vampire as the ultimate incarnation of the immortal spirit. Saying this, very few cultists have ever met a vampire let alone turned into one. Most cults are led by delusional individuals, who take such belief in the power & life contained in blood as absolute. A rare cult will have a vampire at it's head, who views it as a way to get new spawn or other menials to do it's bidding. Though, in many cults with a vampire at it's head, it is usually a vampire spawn looking to eventually make a power grab from it's ruling vampire lord.
Groups like the Necrocult, and the Children of the Nazarene, actively encourage their members to back such cults, even from a distance. This provides groups willing to do their bidding where & when needed. Most members don't recognise this until its too late, or even not at all. Each cult has a short life span, as the cultists are eventually used & abused by the cult until no longer needed. That's as long as local authorities don't hunt them down first.
Because of the organisations arranging & supplying them with ritual practices, garb, beliefs, and if need be items & specific spells, the cults are quite consistent in these. A few deviations are expected and encouraged, mainly to make it harder to break them up. Sometimes, it is as much to do with whatever vampire (or even other undead), and their personality that makes them different. Most of these are found in average sized towns or larger, though a few are found in smaller settlements. This helps cult members to evade the authorities easier when trying to escape. It also helps pass along messages and other objects of interest between them. When in larger towns or cities, they always try to keep down other religions or corrupt their message, while trying to also target other groups & cults that might take others away from the cult.
Nearly every cult believes in immortality, and that certain rituals will bestow this on the members. Only by drinking blood and/or by ritually bathing in it can they stop the aging process. Also, a good many adherents believe that by being blessed by a vampire's 'kiss' will they gain the gift of immortality. They also work their way into positions of power if they can, allowing them to cover their own cult's tracks. Many cult cells will work together, even if they are set up by differing individuals. This allows for a larger pool of potential victims for all.
Secret, Occult