Bid for Power - Burgomaster Drogon de Rais Military Conflict in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Bid for Power - Burgomaster Drogon de Rais

At present, the Burgomaster Drogon de Rais, is trying to make a move to take over the counts, priesthood, and council of Parisius. He is in the process of assembling a network of military units from the Frankish army, along with some Saxon war prisoners, arming, training, and paying them to carry out tasks for him. This includes sabotaging opposing noble houses, spreading gossip & blackmail involving prostitutes, and rumours & planted 'evidence' of black magic. Assassins have been hired to try to kill key individuals or close family members to influence people to his side. Also, thieves have been hired to steal vital information & fortunes, and plant incriminating evidence. So far the majority of this has been in the background, and well hidden, partly from fear of both sides from losing face in front of the public, and partly to stop it spreading. Most of the noble class knows of de Rais and his ambitions & less than savoury religions practices. They are looking for some way to remove him from office, and stop him personally. They are also trying to remove his family from the middle of this, as they appear to have no part of the power grab.   Unfortunately this may not be as easy as it appears. Lately, de Rais has been making bolder moves. Using captured Saxon soldiers, and Frankish military elements under his sway, he has directed attacks on some of the noble estates, especially near the border with Old Saxony. The purpose, and excuse given, is that the nobles there, and their troops were wiped out by the Saxons, and/or were turncoats in Saxony's pockets. Usually this has worked in de Rais' favour, though it has attracted the attention of Charlemagne himself, and has appointed court of trusted Counts to monitor what is going on, and if sufficient evidence comes to mind, bring in the perpetrators.
Conflict Type
Political Debate


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